@chilzhul It feels wrong because those sentences ARE grammatically incorrect. page4 panel3 "It eventually become a hot spring" should be “It’ll eventually become a hot spring.”
page5 panel4 "Since you'll becoming as the owner" should be “Since you’re becoming the owner” or “Since you’ll become...
@Filipe I thought the same thing; I have no doubt that Meraki will continue to translate Returner. That scenario was to get my point across, and I'm a little appalled at how some of these guys are treating the group that gave them 38 well translated free chapters. Don't bite the hand that feeds you.
Half the comments: Well put explainations on why sniping is bad.
The other half: "Lmao stfu who cares who does it its free."
And lets not forget the best comment around by @flanman "Lmao neckbeards acting as if there is honor amoung translating stolen content."
If Meraki stops translating this...
Man, I hate it when people start accusing groups of intentionally delaying chapters without evidence, its like no one ever thinks that they might be busy cause they have lives. Its FREE WORK that they are sharing and at a higher quality than the other one, be grateful and accept some lateness...
Even more of a reason to tell him then. The guy needs to realize that acting like a prideful snob and spewing back insults will only make it worse. I just want nice and steady releases till this series finishes and snippers fueling angry translators (or vice versa) don't help with that.
Don't stoop to his level by insulting back. Provide your reasons, point out faults, show evidence, and engage in conversation. Just wait it out and be calm about this, at this pace he'll burn out sooner or later.