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  1. CanerieRoe

    Kaette Kudasai! Akutsu-san - Vol. 10 Ch. 189.1 - Extra 1

    Misaki having rizz was kinda unexpected
  2. CanerieRoe

    Magmell Shinkai Suizokukan

    On reread I made a point to google every deep sea critter that came along and my brain has been changed forever
  3. CanerieRoe

    Mairimashita! Iruma-kun - Ch. 372 - My Delight

    I kind of expected the results of the Scala to be disappointing chiefly because Iruma didn’t actually do the task he was asked, so I’m glad he wasn’t given the rank up
  4. CanerieRoe

    Hajirau Kimi ga Mitainda - Ch. 71.2 - Flehmen Touka

    It’s become obvious to me that this manga is some serious degen shit. It really shouldn’t have taken 70+ chapters for me to figure it out…
  5. CanerieRoe

    Kono Oto Tomare! - Ch. 134 - Tomfoolery

    Color me a fool, I thought things would keep boiling under the surface, but they ended up having a powwow and working out their feelings. At this point, it would be difficult to justify our mcs coming through with the w, but without that I don’t really know how their performance will carry any...
  6. CanerieRoe

    Mairimashita! Iruma-kun - Vol. 40 Ch. 351 - To New Lands

    Am I sensing an upcoming timeskip?
  7. CanerieRoe

    Mairimashita! Iruma-kun - Vol. 40 Ch. 350 - Everyone's Own Accolades

    So this ends with Silvia getting the rank up which is fine. I’m interested about the mental gymnastics they use to justify it though.
  8. CanerieRoe

    Ragna Crimson - Ch. 74 - A Half-century

    Leo is probably fine …well, probably on the brink of insanity and with some sort of fucked up psuedomagical biology keeping her alive, but that’s not even a hard sell in this manga tbh super exciting page turn tho
  9. CanerieRoe

    Ao Ashi - Vol. 34 Ch. 341 - In the Name of Business

    I’m glad they went into the topic because that’s all I could think about after the last chapter. Though, I the distinction they make between the state of affairs between Japan and the West is inaccurate. In the West, because of our individualist culture, we know intrinsically that you cannot...
  10. CanerieRoe

    Ao Ashi - Vol. 7 Ch. 62 - Piece

    This really is the manga of coaching malpractice Lying to your players is a symptom of a lack of respect for the human beings you’re literally charged with raising This isn’t a comment on the switch to fb btw; It’s a coach’s job to put their players in a position where they can succeed as much...
  11. CanerieRoe

    Ao Ashi - Vol. 4 Ch. 35 - Hana's Recollection

    Damn It’s almost like he could’ve said something instead of talking trash behind his players back. YOU’RE A COACH YOUR JOB IS TO COACH NOT WAIT FOR YOUR PLAYERS TO BEG YOU TO COACH THEM IT’S LITERALLY YOUR JOB
  12. CanerieRoe

    Ao Ashi - Vol. 4 Ch. 33 - Ignored

    Back at it again for the third chapter in a row but I couldn’t help myself. The idea that you can’t be taught tactics is ridiculous. I’m kind of circling around why, but your cognitive capacity to independently produce a complex understanding of a system is not the same as your cognitive...
  13. CanerieRoe

    Ao Ashi - Vol. 4 Ch. 32 - Pitch White

    God I hate people like this. Young athletes coming to programs like this entrust their future and personal aspirations to their coaches. Their coaches are there to nurture and raise them, not berate them behind closed doors and make efforts to “expose them as a fraud” before the first fucking...
  14. CanerieRoe

    Ao Ashi - Vol. 4 Ch. 31 - Taunt

    The idea that a self taught 15 year old who has never had professional (or even semi-professional) coaching in his life lacks the capacity to learn tactics is some seriously overdramatic nonsense
  15. CanerieRoe

    The Saga of Tanya the Evil - Vol. 25 Ch. 76 - Long-Distance Reconnaissance Mission II

    “ルーシー連邦軍” is definitely not “Russian Federation” I’m pretty sure the official translation is “Russy Federation” but previous scans have been using the more phonetically intuitive “Russie Federation” It’s very purposefully distinct if still only slightly
  16. CanerieRoe

    Mahou Shoujo Madoka☆Magica - Vol. 3 Ch. 9 - I Would Never Forgive Them

    Kyubey makes a really juvenile argument about how the concept of being “tricked” isn’t consistent with reality and is purely resultant of an emotional response that seeks to self-justify previously regretted actions. It’s obviously fallacious —Kyubey was very forthcoming with information about...
  17. CanerieRoe

    Hajirau Kimi ga Mitainda - Ch. 65.1 - Shirasawa’s Awakening 3

    Don’t know how to delete comments so I just edited it’s contents into oblivion :P
  18. CanerieRoe

    The Saga of Tanya the Evil - Vol. 24 Ch. 74 - Scorched Autumn IV

    This series is like God-tier foreplay that continuously threatens to result in just the most unsatisfying sex possible
  19. CanerieRoe

    Kono Oto Tomare! - Ch. 131 - My Story

    This might be one of my favorite chapters of this series. We’ve had many, many, many chapters with this format and they are a big reason why I love this manga so much, but this one feels different. These emotional outbursts are usually unabashedly melodramatic and have an over-the-top sincerity...
  20. CanerieRoe

    Hajirau Kimi ga Mitainda - Ch. 64.1 - Prank Date at Home

    Straight degen hours in these comments It’s like that joke about seriously trying to type with one hand on your dick, except instead it’s seriously trying to think with half your brain preoccupied with boobs.