i would love to get/ buy few of there posters or what not but i have no clue where to even look in english...
i truly love the art style they have used in this manga
that really sucks i bloody hate mangy rock and how horrbly they made there web site. its very painful (im not easily) able to read there stuff there, i use my tv thats 55 inch to read on and that side does not support large displays at all..
i would do something simmler but i would also Relise something was up so i would write a note saying a way leaving on a sol searching dont know when i would be back with a empty plate where the lest overs where for a cake and candles laying on it. (funny enough it seems everytime...
where do i find "dragon metropolis" manga and the others that are shown, i tryed to search on goggle but i found nothing just the main "metropolis" thats very old
sadly thats the saddest thing is true kids can hold feelings like that and in trun could cause her to hate humans almost as me. sadly kids at that age do remember stuff like this or even younger that can in the end make them go corrupt.
@ZeroWWE i fully agree
tsh chop her back of neck knocking her out drag her home and lock door behind u and call it good, why go threw somuch trouple *face palm* ouch that hurt!
@Harry_Dong so how much is that in USD? i only know the dollor -_-'