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  1. MiniMarps

    IDOL×IDOL STORY! - Ch. 56.5 - SSS Behind-The-Scenes 53

    Shuri is one of the few other contestants we haven't really seen Mimi interact with yet, and I've been wondering how they're gonna get along when it inevitably does happen. She certainly looks super thrilled to be in Mimi's picture here, doesn't she?
  2. MiniMarps

    YuruYuri - Ch. 218 - Adviser

    Chizuru has honestly never been one of my favorite characters, but she deserves a big round of applause here for putting her foot down and giving her sister the tough love scolding she needed. Chitose deserves more than she thinks she does.
  3. MiniMarps

    YuruYuri - Ch. 217 - Secret Concert

    Anyone else remember those albums they put out (must have been like 2013-ish, and yes, I know, I am old) where it was like the characters karaokeing each other's theme songs? Akari's banger at the beginning there made me think of that.
  4. MiniMarps

    Akebi-chan no Sailor Fuku - Vol. 15 Ch. 81 - One Problem Child After Another!

    "iT's nOt a gIrLs lOvE sEriEs wE nEeD tO rEmOvE tHaT tAg iT's mIsLeAdInG!!!!!!!1!!!1!!" Lol. Love wins.
  5. MiniMarps

    YuruYuri - Vol. 7 Ch. 52.86 - Yuru Yuri Mini Fanbook

    Q1: Funami Yui Q2: Furutani Himawari Q3: difficult, pass Q4: she takes Akari to Downtown Poundtown Q5: D x10 Q6: “Take me to Downtown Poundtown!” “Chapter 3 of Touzainanboku coming soon!”
  6. MiniMarps

    YuruYuri - Vol. 7 Ch. 52.85 - Bonus Comics 1-7

    Yui and her pillow princess. Lest we forget, Namori is (unlike many yuri mangaka) a legitimate irl yuri fan. She's one of us, and I reckon that's part of why her work resonates the way it does.
  7. MiniMarps

    YuruYuri - Vol. 22 Ch. 188.6 - Re:Dear

    Not necessarily, when you think about it. Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence, as they say, and clearly there's a lot going on with Nadeshiko that we the audience aren't shown. Kinda makes you wonder, doesn't it? Does it also suggest that they all shot their shot, and she turned two...
  8. MiniMarps

    Oomuro-ke - Vol. 7 Ch. 104

    Ah yes, the endless struggle that all youngest siblings must endure: keeping your older siblings from stealing your friends whenever they come over.
  9. MiniMarps

    Yuri no Hajimari wa Dorei Kara - Ch. 5.2

    Doting on Chiyoko, giggling at Mafuyu's social ineptitude, being sketched out by Sakine... Shinope is all of us.
  10. MiniMarps

    YuruYuri - Vol. 23 Ch. 198.5 - YuruYuri Lab

    I especially love page 11, with all the onee-sans in the middle school uniforms.
  11. MiniMarps

    Yashiro no Maou - Vol. 1 Ch. 8.5 - Volume 1 Extras

    This becomes a very different kind of manga if Maou-san becomes butch and/or futa. It's not necessarily what I'm here for, but if that's the direction it goes, I'm down for whatever I guess.
  12. MiniMarps

    Gochuumon wa Usagi desu ka? - Ch. 170

    I'm honestly not even that surprised at the revelation that apparently she figured out the truth about Tippy, given how OP Super Onee-chan Archmage Cocoa has become.
  13. MiniMarps

    Yuri no Hajimari wa Dorei Kara - Ch. 5.1 - The Fate of the First Date

    Chiyoko is an angel; I'm not sure about the rest of these girls.
  14. MiniMarps

    Yuri no Hajimari wa Dorei Kara - Ch. 5.1 - The Fate of the First Date

    So if I'm understanding all this correctly: Shinope -> Chiyoko -> Mafuyu -> Sakine -> Chiyoko, with Shinope and/or Sakine currently resenting Mafuyu for (allegedly) stealing Chiyoko.
  15. MiniMarps

    Akebi-chan no Sailor Fuku - Vol. 15 Ch. 80.1 - [Short Story] Ōkuma Minoru's Morning

    Lol chill dude. Hiro had a major art exhibition in October, was too busy with that to draw a "real" chapter for November, but still gave us this. Would have been totally understandable if he hadn't given us anything. Sorry if it wasn't good enough for you.
  16. MiniMarps

    Oomuro-ke - Vol. 7 Ch. 101 - The future that will arrive some day

    The funniest part about this was Hanako dreaming of Sakurako getting accepted into a decent high school.
  17. MiniMarps

    Kobayashi-san Chi no Maid Dragon - Ch. 152 - Takiya and Community

    Okay but I have few logistical questions if the small ones are being moved into the Takiya household. First and foremost: have they settled on being boys full-time, or do they still have the whole "involuntary genital shapeshifting" thing going on?
  18. MiniMarps

    YuruYuri - Ch. 216 - A path that's just a little bit lonely

    I don't think we have to worry about that for a long time. The two main reasons why series like this die off are 1: the publisher cancels it because it's unpopular, or 2: the creator ends it because they have other things they'd rather focus on. As it pertains to the former, the YuruYuri 'verse...