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  1. Ethaisa123

    Danshi Kokoseidakedo Gyaru ni TS Shimashita - Vol. 2 Ch. 15.1

    This is just straight up gooner bait, zero substance, soz im dropping
  2. Ethaisa123

    Chorokute Kawaii Kimi ga Suki - Vol. 7 Ch. 28

    i could not have hoped for a better ended, they are so freaking sweet1!!
  3. Ethaisa123

    I Only Want to Beat You - Ch. 178

    CUTEEE, Ik nothing is gonna happen, but man its gonna be a really cute next chapter I bet :D
  4. Ethaisa123

    Kimi no Love o Misetekure! - Vol. 3 Ch. 21

    Holy shit holy shit it’s happening everything I wanted out of this manga, the confrontation the drama HE KNOWS but does he lover her back and holy crap it is soo over for fushumi I love her but man it’s doomed yuri If I’ve ever seen one
  5. Ethaisa123

    Class no Daikirai na Joshi to Kekkon Suru Koto ni Natta - Vol. 5 Ch. 27.1

    found it on the way-back machine!!, I think its referring to this reading of the manga on their website, It seems to line up with whats happening in the manga so I think its the right place! (it seems to originally be from an extra in vol2 that hasn't been translated yet) Website >...
  6. Ethaisa123

    Class no Daikirai na Joshi to Kekkon Suru Koto ni Natta - Vol. 5 Ch. 27.1

    I think it might be where a doujinshi was hosted or something similar, but the website says that its down right now (if anyone knows where it might be please let us know!)
  7. Ethaisa123

    Maigo ni Natteita Youjo wo Tasuketara, Otonari ni Sumu Bishoujo Ryuugakusei ga Ie ni Asobi ni Kuru You ni Natta Ken Nitsuite - Ch. 4

    SO TRUE, I hate it when authors do this. it makes the relationship unnecessarily complicated and makes ZERO gadam sense if anything you would WANT to be seen as a popular girls friend its a good way to socialize and start making more friends GAH ITS SO DUMB
  8. Ethaisa123

    Ijiranaide, Nagatoro-san - Vol. 20 Ch. 154.5 - This is gonna be so much fun, Senpai ♡

    i would kill for a university romance of these two
  9. Ethaisa123

    Osananajimi wo Erabenai! - Vol. 1 Ch. 2 - I Have Always Loved You

    mannn, the two girls are both so sweet, gadd this makes me hate harems because they'll never both be truely happy surely they somehow gem fusion or somthin for the final chapter so that everyone wins, idk I think quintessential quintuplets just made me put off by harems, I get that its more for...
  10. Ethaisa123

    Einen Koyou wa Kanou deshou ka - Vol. 4 Ch. 20 - Is Long-Term Employment Possible?

    they deserve it lmao they're probably gonna have a nice long rest
  11. Ethaisa123

    Einen Koyou wa Kanou deshou ka - Vol. 4 Ch. 20 - Is Long-Term Employment Possible?

    this is the best post confession chapter ive ever seen, holllyyyy shit
  12. Ethaisa123

    High School Girl at the Convenience Store - Ch. 13

    If the cover art has anything to say it seems like it will go well, no way to know for sure though we can only hope!!
  13. Ethaisa123

    Einen Koyou wa Kanou deshou ka - Vol. 4 Ch. 19 - The Stars Dance

    "sensei I love yo-- " ✷hit by meteor✷
  14. Ethaisa123

    The Dangers in My Heart - Vol. 11 Ch. 148 - We Saw Fireworks

    Their parents just watching them make out like :0
  15. Ethaisa123

    Kaette Kudasai! Akutsu-san - Vol. 10 Ch. 176

    im calling it here, the series is ending
  16. Ethaisa123

    Manabiya - Vol. 1 Ch. 5

    I don't usually like older manga, but this short one was really nice! definitely would love to see more but I still enjoyed it none the less!