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  1. Disappointment_Child

    What REAL literature are you reading now?

    Currently reading Strange Weather in Tokyo. I kind of want to read People’s Republic of Walmart next but it changes based on the day.
  2. Disappointment_Child

    hardest music on earth

    Any Dead Kennedys song really. This one is extra hard because of stupid fucks at my school
  3. Disappointment_Child

    What code editor do you use and why?

    Pure vim. It's so nice, I can go to pretty much any Linux based device and just run a small shell script and it's exactly the way I like it. Also because of :smile
  4. Disappointment_Child

    Soara and the Monster's House - Ch. 12 - Cats in the Wild Woods

    On page 14, does anyone know what the missing textbox is supposed to say?