Search results

  1. Xzayer

    What game do you regret purchasing?

    Title is exactly as it sounds. Has there ever been a point in time that you regretted purchasing a game. Could be any reason: overhyped, mediocre story/gameplay, story twist, boredom. Doesn’t matter the genre. If I had to say anything my choice would be Destiny 1, and Elder Scrolls Online. I...
  2. Xzayer

    In your opinion what is the most annoying/overused manga cliche?

    As title states what’s do you think is the most overused cliche/trope used in manga? Examples: Accidental pervert, badly done tsunderes, MC is so dense to a potential love interest that his ignorance could be used as a fortified bomb shelter. At this point any specific trope or cliche that...