I know a lot of commentators are neurodivergent but can you not recognize hyperbole?
If you read even a couple posts down you would know it was a joke. Please read before you react, every one else did, mouth breather.
Yeah, at most they’re only a couple years apart if at all, I just thought it was funny.
I fully expect a soap opera melodrama to derail they’re relationship in the future though, like he dated Asahi’s estranged brother or something equally goofy.
Interesting idea, ok to bad execution. Bog standard fantasy manga. Would have been infinitely better if it revolved around Athena becoming a better leader and essentially becoming what Dale was in this story. Parallel that with Est’s growth as both and individual and subsequent party leader...
Not really, and you seem to understand why in the previous statement.
Elinalise is up front and honest about sleeping with other people. Cliff knew what kind of relationship he was getting into and accepted it. Zenith discovered the infidelity by finding out her friend was pregnant by her...
“Your Honor, I was thinking of you the entire time!”
Not denying Paul’s feelings, but knocking up the maid was a MASSIVE betrayal and his family stayed together despite Paul, not because of him. That shit doesn’t fly in 99% of relationships, at minimum it shows lack of care for his wife and...
I think Raoul’s torture is getting more creative as the story goes on, such an intimate and terrifying way to humiliate a king, and likely just done for giggles.
We’ve come a long way from “tear off their arm and rape them with it” kind of torture.