I was going to read the chapters I missed in between, but it seems like there wasn’t much to miss.
Wrapped fairly cleanly, not sure what supposed to be ambiguous about it. MC is waiting on marriage until he’s “good enough” (so has he really learned anything?) but they’ve progressed to a sexual...
Wow, that was quick, much appreciated.
I wonder how the story is going to square how the yakuza reincarnated, if at all. Not a huge deal if not, but could be interesting.
I know a lot of commentators are neurodivergent but can you not recognize hyperbole?
If you read even a couple posts down you would know it was a joke. Please read before you react, every one else did, mouth breather.
Yeah, at most they’re only a couple years apart if at all, I just thought it was funny.
I fully expect a soap opera melodrama to derail they’re relationship in the future though, like he dated Asahi’s estranged brother or something equally goofy.