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  1. O

    Cooking Sorcerer - Vol. 1 Ch. 37

    Called it. This bastard not only invaded her private paradise but STOLE all her food. And has the AUDACITY to question what he did that scared her off. Meanwhile he has NO self awareness of how she feels and how uncomfortable being taken from your home to the house of a stranger to cook meals...
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    Cooking Sorcerer - Vol. 1 Ch. 32

    Thank goodness she's getting out of this but the solution feels weird. Plus I still feel like the Duke is going to do something unsavory. She should try to be independent.
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    Cooking Sorcerer - Vol. 1 Ch. 31

    Ok... As an Asian I understand the pleasing pressure and the peer pressure but girl you gotta stop at some point. As my sister says underhand unawareness. "Apologies, I don't actually work here as I'm not a high-end chef. And won't require a kitchen of this caliber as I am a commoner who...
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    Cooking Wizard - Vol. 1 Ch. 29

    The Duke is definitely demented enough to do something to her. Hopefully she kicks ass instead of relying on her "prince in shining armor".
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    Cooking Wizard - Vol. 1 Ch. 27

    She lost plenty of days because of that prick. Thank God for the only voice of reason. She should've refused from the beginning. I bet the Duke is going to be an annoying thorn in her side. I'm still hoping for the ban hammer. Don't keep cooking for someone like the Duke. If he wants it he...
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    Cooking Wizard - Vol. 1 Ch. 25

    Again... I don't know if the author knows this or not but THIS it's creepy. You know how many girls/guys have been kidnapped/killed/robbed because "oh red flags 🚩🚩🚩 but he/she's hot so...". Bro needs to watch some serial killer documentaries. Smh girl get out of there the bag ain't worth it...
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    Cooking Wizard - Vol. 1 Ch. 22

    This is kidnapping. She should ban him for life and refuse to cook for him or give him a meal to remember with the most hideous and disgusting tastes leaving him crippled for life. Kidnapping is NOT OK I don't care if he's royalty or hot Bro kidnapped a commoner and forced her to cook for him