She's totally gonna make that baby a onesie Motorsuns jersey to support Kojiro.
I cannot wait for the best mascot to make Kojiro's baby giggle. Do you guys think they make plushies of him?
That sounds like an interesting premise for a comedy horror manga. She could just keep running into people in town that are kind of terrifying but what they do turns out not to be as bad as it first appears.
Right? What would this group even do this for? Is being a troll one of their religious tenets? I'm willing to suspend my disbelief if that's the case, because that would be terrifying.
... Okay, so I checked, and babies don't always resemble their parents at birth. So this story just makes me wonder if the dad may need to talk to someone about this paranoia.
I'm starting to get whiplash from constantly going from Kiriko possibly being a victim, and Kiriko possibly being a monster. If this keeps up, I'm gonna need to install seatbelts.
This is another story that isn't necessarily scary, but it makes me feel uneasy and strangely melancholic.
What kind of people were the family that lived here, that they couldn't be bothered to try to properly put this woman to rest, and instead made this ritual that seems to have just been...
This is true. One really must be careful when dealing with such things. Some things genuinely are rather harmless if you are respectful to them, but sometimes things can go wrong. With ghosts, it's often best to help them move on, as lingering can be bad for them.