The little girl on the bottom of 17 is unfairly cute.
Thought she warps from one side of the table to the other from the bottom of 17 to the top of 18.
The arm in the foreground is definitely his left arm given the angle. And, yeah, even if they were crossed you'd see his left hand's thumb on the hand to the right of the image, but it's clearly a pinky.
So, yeah, the artist just straight F'd up.
I think people are being a touch too hard on Seto here. They're in high school; they're together in the same class all day every day. He's growing as a person, but he hasn't experienced being away from her yet.
Anjou is going to go to a school that is worlds different from their high school...
Yes, I get that they are able to emulate each other perfectly. My point is that it seems like the guy is into the quiet version, so... it doesn't make sense to me that the girl preparing to be the outgoing version "won."
Oh, sweet. I only knew about this because someone liked my post on Chapter 74 in which I said, "I wonder of the epilogue ever got translated?" Apparently, the translation was posted shortly thereafter, and I had no idea.