it would be nice if they don't go for harem, like let a character get over a heartbreak, though it's true that for her they were in a relationship (or close to one) just a couple days ago, then died, then reunited so yeah it's a hard blow
i kinda feel like the story was mostly to make time and make him lower his guard, those kind of mind techniques are not strong enough to be used if the other side resist most of the time, or he wants to be killed, like he told him "i am a blood demon that killed his own master with this art" and...
@Sootyxsnowpetal i think he was more like "who is that guy?" than anything, like he was at the top, and he should know if there was someone that strong, also he doesn't want to die, he knows how strong he would need to be to survive a fight against someone that powerful and that he is nowhere...
what i meant by fleshed out was more in the sense that she as a character would have developement, cause in many manga you see that being gay is the only thing that a character is there for, i don't think it needs an explanation why she is though, what i think is that it would be cool...
it's cause many don't go to the length of stating it, and while for you it may be obvious its not so for everyone, many manga have "homosexual" characters though most are made so just for the sake of being so or for comedy sake, here i think that they'll show that its just a part of...
Maaaaan am i the only one that thought that it makes sense when she said "for us demons it doesn't matter men or women"? this whole manga has a big do whatever you want vibe, even a lot of characters are pretty androgynous but it doesn't feel forced, cause they are not dressing or acting as men...
I don't care what anyone says but i don't know how they are gonna top adam vs zeus, most of the other fights don't sound even half as interesting. And even if kinda cheesy you can't get much cooler than this version of adam,
funy thing is that people like her are either too stupid to notice or too selfish to care about how their partners feel, knew a couple girls like that before, would never go out with someone like that again