Search results

  1. andromeda05

    Reading status ICON for search results

    I did some searching for better search features based on personal reading status and found that its very cpu heavy and I understand the cost of it but in the thread. There was a mention that a reading status Icon based on the users sorted content may be viable. So I was wondering if we could...
  2. andromeda05

    I know you said no Ads but what about this?

    We have links to the original work on most of the manga here. What if manga dex got into the Amazon affiliate program and linked all the works through there account this might help with income and you could also link other products this would also give you a spot for a product of the day/month...
  3. andromeda05

    library status bug

    I've searched the forums and cant find anything similar. Whenever I attempt to change a manga from reading to another such as dropped or completed it stays locked in the reading list. Am I missing something or dose this need to be addressed?