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  1. lawrencfgsdfg

    samurai scan

    running some script or something to move various groups' works to MD i guess
  2. lawrencfgsdfg

    Nichijou - Ch. 231

    on the way
  3. lawrencfgsdfg

    Nichijou - Ch. 228

    licky licky ~
  4. lawrencfgsdfg

    Girls' Last Tour - Vol. 1 Ch. 2 - حرب

    هذا رائع i don't speak arabic but this is amazing work. would you need help with cleans or other? i plan to TL this series too, though it's a daunting task
  5. lawrencfgsdfg

    Nichijou - Ch. 225

    my discord is the same as my mangadex username !
  6. lawrencfgsdfg

    Nichijou - Ch. 225

    thank you kindly for reading!
  7. lawrencfgsdfg

    Shimeji Simulation - Vol. 5 Ch. 44 - We are but a stream

    hey, i'm here to remind you, if you've finished it ... definitely worth a reread !!
  8. lawrencfgsdfg


    i never said it, but thank you for your work on shimsim.
  9. lawrencfgsdfg

    Nichijou - Ch. 224

    j'apprécie votre soutien !!!!! <3
  10. lawrencfgsdfg

    Nichijou - Ch. 224

    honestly, i didn't even notice that until now ...
  11. lawrencfgsdfg

    Nichijou - Ch. 222

    fair sentiment? i get it, though it seems nobody else right now has the interest to TL this, and i translate because it's something i like to do. honestly, i'd wager a large percentage of fan translations in general are adulterated to some degree anyways... translation-ception isn't something...
  12. lawrencfgsdfg

    Shimeji Simulation (Fan Colored)

    wao, grandes esfuerzos, se ve muy bien