Man! Thanks a bunch for so many new chapters. Really made my day. This series is so nice and peaceful. As someone who likes astronomy its really special.
@daisaishi However, the Uzaki chapter came out first. The sequence of bath, solemn/bored walk, seeing senpai and smile is the exact one from each of these.
Was Uzaki the first one to have this routine? This is the third time I have seen this routine in a girl bullying boy manga - first Uzaki, then Nagatoro now this.
I am so glad someone is translating this again, even if its not as high quality as previous ones. This is one of the top comedy manga, I was surprised it was inactive for so long.
@PepperPower My guess is that Thistle used to dine with that family and he is now lonely, hence he was trying to recreate that atmosphere. Which is super creepy as well as depressing for Thistle, but par for course with all his other actions.
Yeah, the bodyguard is strong but even he wasn't sure if he will be able to protect the admin chief if Lorem attacked IIRC. I am so curious who even managed to get close enough to past Lorem to have a child with her. She mellowed out much more since Gospel was born and she started living with...