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  1. Torloth

    Kimi to Warui Koto ga Shitai - Ch. 24 - [Love] What A Word

    She might be paid to keep tabs on them... If I'm being 100% honest Fuji's plan this time isn't very.... Evil ... However I think there is more to it.... It's clear to me that Fuji isn't too happy that Kei is sticking around... But it's also clear that Mamori really trusts her.... There is A...
  2. Torloth

    Kimi to Warui Koto ga Shitai - Ch. 24 - [Love] What A Word

    Fuji is on A chair and Kei is on A chair... You can also see how much bigger Mamori is compared to Kei chan san and Fuji kun. The last frame you shared Mamori is mostly on Kei's chair. There was A bit of fudging here... But without the Manga vol release to compare it too... Remember these...
  3. Torloth

    Kimi to Warui Koto ga Shitai - Ch. 24 - [Love] What A Word

    there is a second chair look carefully on page 17 you can see the legs.... I spend a lot of time looking at these pages... I think Mamori is floating between the two chairs... as she is experiencing true happieness
  4. Torloth

    Kimi to Warui Koto ga Shitai - Ch. 24 - [Love] What A Word

    Okay guys don't kill Kei chan san yet.... Trust me..... I just read 27...... I have 25 translated and 26 is like 50% done.... (I'm trying to keep A chapter A week pace) The younger brother is clearly the real villain here.... But Kei, I'm still not sold she is on younger brother's side...
  5. Torloth

    Kimi to Warui Koto ga Shitai - Ch. 23 - Shall I Teach You?

    she is just VERY freindly, and talks very suggestively.........
  6. Torloth

    Kimi to Warui Koto ga Shitai - Ch. 23 - Shall I Teach You?

    Kobayashi sensei had like 3000yen in his hand ( it was in the translation notes that don't always make it).... now I have read the next chapter (fed's working on the translating there) I'm still not 100% sure on Kei's motivations, I have ideas.... I think when you get to see her and Fuji...
  7. Torloth

    Kimi to Warui Koto ga Shitai - Ch. 23 - Shall I Teach You?

    I've read up to 25 (Translating 25 now) and Kei chan san (Thanks for keeping this in Clock) I don't think is really into any of the guys we have met so far... I will not say too much but Mamori really needed a girl friend, and Kei chan san is a great fit IMO...... regardless of how they met
  8. Torloth

    Kimi to Warui Koto ga Shitai - Ch. 22 - It's Meaningless

    looks at covers quick yes... I just have the Scans from when it was in a weekly/monthly to translate from.
  9. Torloth

    Kimi to Warui Koto ga Shitai - Ch. 22 - It's Meaningless

    I made a note about how Adorable Mamori is being with her "Power of evil" bit... in the Tranlastion notes. I'm glad people are enjoying these chapters ... I've started Translating the next one It will take me a bit. Next chapter is not what I expected
  10. Torloth

    Kimi to Warui Koto ga Shitai - Ch. 21 - Left Behind

    The younger Brother is pretty crazy... the people that like him are kinda nuts. they better not redeem him...
  11. Torloth

    Kimi to Warui Koto ga Shitai - Ch. 20 - Creating with Me

    This might be true... He was talking Specificly about her face... And not her ... "Lethal weapons"
  12. Torloth

    Kimi to Warui Koto ga Shitai - Ch. 20 - Creating with Me

    If it changes context for you it is the word ムキムキ muscular or brawny. The speech box is ムキムキ逆三角形共にかまってる暇はない。 "I don't have time to waste on brawny inverted triangles." I think is what I wrote I asked A couple people if I was missing some subtext... But not really. I feel like it was said...
  13. Torloth

    Kimi to Warui Koto ga Shitai - Ch. 20 - Creating with Me

    Have you seen Mamori in the wedding dress like a few chapters ago. I still do not 100% understand the inverted Triangle bit despite the fact I translated it. so the Leg day bit was from the typesetting team... Ogaki is a bit of a knob anyway.
  14. Torloth

    Kimi to Warui Koto ga Shitai - Ch. 19 - No Punishment

    The Translator here I do not put up the feet pics. Please do not accuse me of them thanks Toroth.