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  1. 0takuDragonSlayer

    Red Blue - Ch. 144 - Amachi vs. Yamamoto

    Yeah even though it’s not perfect I think it’s an efficient way of trying to get the point across for people who aren’t deep into the Japanese scene happy to hear my yapping is interesting. Yeah it’s amazing how diverse and deep the fight world is.
  2. 0takuDragonSlayer

    Red Blue - Ch. 144 - Amachi vs. Yamamoto

    Thanks for the translation friend
  3. 0takuDragonSlayer

    Red Blue - Ch. 144 - Amachi vs. Yamamoto

    Perhaps?I wonder if there is a Ryan Hall Equivalent Judoka 🤔 YES! Dat shit was so clean
  4. 0takuDragonSlayer

    Synecdoche no Moto - Oneshot

    FOR REAL! We got robbed!
  5. 0takuDragonSlayer

    Top 1 Fighting Tutoring - Ch. 56

    Either a translation error, which I highly, doubt, or they ran into a snag of some kind. Which is understandable. I feel like preparing him to fight someone like this in just 2 weeks, wasn’t practical.
  6. 0takuDragonSlayer

    Genikasuri - Vol. 1 Ch. 3 - Back-alley Debut

    Thank you for the translation. I’m loving where this is going.
  7. 0takuDragonSlayer

    Red Blue - Ch. 143 - The Grappler's Pride

    It’s definitely among the most realistic. In the moment it was a little unsatisfying, but looking back on it I respect the author for having the nerve to not only have the protagonist win a fight due to a lucky DQ but also lose their very first professional fight. That took guts.
  8. 0takuDragonSlayer

    Red Blue - Ch. 143 - The Grappler's Pride

    To be fair the MC if that series tapped out a purple belt while still being a white belt but I see your point. The opponent should’ve been someone who wasn’t good enough to stay at a Khabib level team and got kicked out for not getting results and bad behavior. Not someone who is number three...
  9. 0takuDragonSlayer

    Houkago wa Kenka Saikyou no Gyaru ni Tsurekomareru Seikatsu Kanojo-tachi ni Sukarete, Boku mo Saikyou ni!? - Ch. 9 - Trap

    jesus christ. Its like it gets worse every single time i rewatch it. Yeah bro thats the right one SAME BRO! I get my combat sport fix in the gym like a normal person on sparring night. Fuck dat bar brawling shit
  10. 0takuDragonSlayer

    Red Blue - Ch. 143 - The Grappler's Pride

    Honestly i respect how blunt the author is about how the pro world often works. More often than not the guys who make it to the top are usually anomalies in 1 way or another. That's not to say average guys can't make it to a belt but fuck is it comparatively much harder for them to stay there...
  11. 0takuDragonSlayer

    Houkago wa Kenka Saikyou no Gyaru ni Tsurekomareru Seikatsu Kanojo-tachi ni Sukarete, Boku mo Saikyou ni!? - Ch. 9 - Trap

    I feel like the dark implication here(and I 100% could be wrong)is that his plan isn’t just to beat her. His plan is to cripple her in this fight so that she can’t be an issue in the future. I know this is a Manga so realism, basically goes out the door, but a lot of dark and fucked up Injuries...
  12. 0takuDragonSlayer

    Houkago wa Kenka Saikyou no Gyaru ni Tsurekomareru Seikatsu Kanojo-tachi ni Sukarete, Boku mo Saikyou ni!? - Ch. 8 - Kidnapping

    Agreed. Even the alleged boss seems to be missing a few IQ points. All his second in command did was point out the simple fact that the chick has friends backin her up, and he took it as a personal attack. It’s no wonder their groups is the early enemy team
  13. 0takuDragonSlayer

    Houkago wa Kenka Saikyou no Gyaru ni Tsurekomareru Seikatsu Kanojo-tachi ni Sukarete, Boku mo Saikyou ni!? - Ch. 7 - Thanks to you

    I can tell you from first-hand experience that if you’re not used to getting kicked in the knee,thigh, or calf the first time is always going to feel like someone just took a golf club to your leg! Especially if you make the same mistake this guy did by putting all of your weight on the leg...
  14. 0takuDragonSlayer

    Houkago wa Kenka Saikyou no Gyaru ni Tsurekomareru Seikatsu Kanojo-tachi ni Sukarete, Boku mo Saikyou ni!? - Ch. 7 - Thanks to you

    Yeah, as soon as the head Simp started talking about ”settling things” one V one I couldn’t hate him much. Especially after his strategic withdrawal. Wouldn’t mind him becoming a bro down the line.