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  1. Z

    Onban Kikou - Vol. 2 Ch. 9 - New Wave Radio, Sailing Ship

    Volume 3 just came out a few days ago, placing the current chapter count at 20. And a lot of the art in some chapters was touched up for the release, which definitely took some work. There are huge differences sometimes, so if we eventually catch up, I think it might still be better to wait for...
  2. Z

    Onban Kikou - Vol. 2 Ch. 8 - In Lana's Town

    Very interesting to read about the antennas, and nice radio! Amazing that it still holds up. There's also going to be a tiny bit of baseball in the plot of one of the stories on volume 3, though more in passing than anything. And this volume, well it only has a little bit of football going on...
  3. Z

    Onban Kikou - Vol. 2 Ch. 8 - In Lana's Town

    This one didn't take that long, just that I was away during the holidays. So yeah, third volume next month. That means another six or so chapters in addition to the six left in this volume. It'll probably take some time to get there, but since the series comes out every two months, getting used...
  4. Z

    Onban Kikou - Vol. 2 Ch. 7 - Roadside Pickers

    Really? I've no idea what the implications of that actually are. In fact I've got zero idea about baseball. I just remembered it's also very popular in Japan, and thought maybe her cap could be from a baseball team. So I looked at their logos, and came to the conclusion that "P" looks totally...
  5. Z

    Beni Tsubaki - Vol. 3 Ch. 26 - Mirthless rabbit leaps into the night

    I'm still working on this, don't worry. Just been busy, which also means I haven't made much progress with the other chapters. So I don't really know when the next one will be ready. We'll get there though! Thanks for bearing with me. And let me know if you spot any mistakes.
  6. Z

    Onban Kikou - Vol. 2 Ch. 7 - Roadside Pickers

    Next chapter is rather short, so it shouldn't take as much. It's the ones that are ~50 pages that'll most likely take longer. So merry Christmas just in case. And let me know if there's any typos or if you figure out what the deal is with Remy's trip. The author also tweeted about work for the...
  7. Z

    Beni Tsubaki - Vol. 2 Ch. 25.5 - Volume Extras

    The Aokishi Katalog is a ~50p booklet that came with Dengeki Maoh's December 2021 issue. The catalog contains a short introduction to the magazine, followed two page spreads for all its series, such as the one included in here. The reason for it is that Aokishi magazine was launched by Kadokawa...
  8. Z

    Onban Kikou - Vol. 1 Ch. 6.1 - Afterword

    Forgot I had to upload this... This is what the postcard looks like, if you're curious. I don't have a scanner at hand. So, see you in volume 2, in a while. Next chapter is also set in America, and takes place during the 'Bedford Record Market' (or BRM), which they say is the biggest record...
  9. Z

    Onban Kikou - Vol. 1 Ch. 6 - Ashlee's Diner

    Ah that's the Jukebox! That really makes sense. For some reason all the 50-60s jukeboxes I saw were either like the classic Wurlitzer ones; or the part where the titles are listed was a lot bigger. So the "closest" thing I saw this sound leisure one. But certain things just didn't line up. It's...
  10. Z

    Onban Kikou - Vol. 1 Ch. 6 - Ashlee's Diner

    Didn't realize it was Wednesday already. Maybe I should have let this one cook a little longer. Hopefully no glaring typos or anything. I'll have the afterword this weekend, it's only like two pages. And afterwards, a break, but mainly so I can work on volume 2 in bulk to then have the chapters...
  11. Z

    Onban Kikou - Vol. 1 Ch. 5 - Steer the Ship Through the Electric Current! - Second Half

    Forgot to say in the notes, but Nikki doesn't literally say "engrave". She uses the general verb 'turn into/become' (思い出になる). It's just that the overall dialogue is more vague and sorta centered on the word memory instead (思い出) which is also in 'being able to remember' (思い出せる). 'Literally' they...
  12. Z

    Onban Kikou - Vol. 1 Ch. 4 - Steer the Ship Through the Electric Current! - First Half

    Oh, that's really cool! And it's really great just how much technical info is out there regarding the equipment and everything, in websites like the offshore radio museum and the pirate radio hall of fame. Though I personally haven't looked much into that aspect as it's beyond my capabilities...
  13. Z

    Beni Tsubaki - Vol. 2 Ch. 23 - Glamorous Party! Strip Jaken

    With the release of volume 3, we have a definitive chapter count and everything: 32 in total, since the final part has been collected into an 86-long chapter. Which means it'll probably have even longer notes? And I don't really have much for volume 3, so expect a small break between volumes...
  14. Z

    Onban Kikou - Vol. 1 Ch. 4 - Steer the Ship Through the Electric Current! - First Half

    To be continued in chapter 5. This first part was originally published in October 2021, but the next issue instead had a special chapter featuring Miyama, and it wasn't until February 2022 that the second part was published. Fortunately you won't have to wait as long, I'll probably have it in...
  15. Z

    Onban Kikou - Vol. 1 Ch. 3 - The Staggs Invasion

    Really interesting, thank you! Other than there being a Fender poster in the cover page, I didn't think to look into the guitar stuff (not like I would've known anyway). And coincidentally, the final chapter in volume 2 is set in postwar Japan and is about a couple into foreign music who can...
  16. Z

    Beni Tsubaki - Vol. 2 Ch. 22 - Indomitable Young Lady

    I just saw the third volume listed online by chance today. Only amazon has the cover for now, and it lists it as being 256 pages, which is more or less the same as the magazine chapters. It might just have a small afterword or something, it's hard to say; and the description is almost copied...
  17. Z

    Onban Kikou

    Interview on Phileweb (2022/07/02) Interview on Tokyo Sports (2022/08/07) Interview on WebVanda part 1 (2024/05/25) Interview on WebVanda part 2 (2024/06/25) There's also an article on realsound. And maybe a few other articles I'm missing. Translating them with your browser should give you the...
  18. Z

    Onban Kikou - Vol. 1 Ch. 3 - The Staggs Invasion

    Oh yeah, the rooftop performance is somewhat reminiscent of the Beatles ones, I guess? In interviews there's also some more background regarding these stories. Like when asked about this one, he talks about the Philippines being one of the countries where American (US) influence is more...
  19. Z

    Onban Kikou - Vol. 1 Ch. 2 - Nights of a Clandestine Record Seller

    Right, that's tricky. It's not 'pre-serialization' as in "a version of the story from before it was published", as they're completely different stories; but as in stuff that he made before his 'debut' (デビュー前の自主制作漫画). And 'shared-universe' well... kind of, but not really? It’s focused on a record...
  20. Z

    Onban Kikou - Vol. 1 Ch. 2 - Nights of a Clandestine Record Seller

    Not that many covers this time, except Rubber Soul. Does anyone recognize the post on the upper left in the basement? Anyway, it's been two weeks since last chapter, but the next one(s) might take longer (I'll be busier the rest of the month). And these chapters can be quite long as you see...