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  1. Orca

    Hive Scans

    That sounds like a regular Infernal Void chapter to me, tho'
  2. Orca


    This manwha just feels like a fach's wet dream. "A man who finally knows all murderers should be executed on the spot and that trials and imprisionment will just cause bigger problem later on; that all murderers are unrepentant psychos who want nothing more than to kill again." Not to mention...
  3. Orca

    Your Throne - Vol. 1 Ch. 60 - Don't Make A Deal

    @bananaburrito but the translator already said he wants to translate this one :) so he's going to :)
  4. Orca

    Isekai Ojisan

    @motheblackcat It'd be hilarious if it wasn't such a repetitive "joke" with scanlation. @Afiaki Your efforts are appreciated, mate <3
  5. Orca

    Isekai Ojisan

    No idea why people keep mentioning that Striptease was pushed to drop the series, as if a mob stormed their house with pitchforks. Maybe people just have a short memory, but, as far as I could see it, striptease was sniped on a single chapter by one guy trying to start shit, and proceeded to...
  6. Orca

    My Home Hero - Vol. 6 Ch. 51 - Worst Case Scenario

    @KEKW130113 and let us not forget the clown who writes paragraphs crying about the daughter at every opportunity.
  7. Orca

    Wakamono no Kuro Mahou Hanare ga Shinkoku desu ga, Shuushoku shite Mitara Taiguu Iishi, Shachou mo Tsukaima mo Kawaikute Saikou desu!

    >"My Revenge" Hahahahahahaha. Like anyone gives a shit about your revenge, lad. What amazing lolcow behaviour
  8. Orca

    April Fool's Collection 2020 - Ch. 105 - Senpai ga Uzai Kouhai no Hanashi

    Well, the good part of this chapter is that "while the punchline is ruined", these screaming, whiny children are the new punchline. Thank you for your efforts at making me laugh at you
  9. Orca

    Jisatsutou - Vol. 16 Ch. 155 - Connected Lives

    @Kendama I agree that there's no reason to complain about translator comments, but, good god, that's edgy.
  10. Orca

    Wakamono no Kuro Mahou Hanare ga Shinkoku desu ga, Shuushoku shite Mitara Taiguu Iishi, Shachou mo Tsukaima mo Kawaikute Saikou desu!

    I dunno why y'all get yer knickers in a twist over that easily ignored political wah. I'm more surprised people don't complain about how much of a mess the translation is. I'll even compromise: three times the politics, but coherent English. A fair deal.
  11. Orca

    Jisatsutou - Vol. 16 Ch. 154 - The Answer We Had Been Looking For

    Just roll the ball up the hill and be happy with it, dorks.
  12. Orca

    Terror Man - Vol. 1 Ch. 89

    This series really jumped the shark, eh?
  13. Orca

    We Shall Now Begin Ethics - Vol. 3 Ch. 13 - Studying for Yourself

    I'd really like finding the origin of that Heffer quote. Can't find it anywhere :/
  14. Orca

    Kuma Kuma Kuma Bear - Vol. 4 Ch. 36

    Ah, yes, a recap chapter. I hope the next chapter is a recap of this chapter.
  15. Orca


    It was posted by an account that was made today. I'm sure it's a very serious upload :^)
  16. Orca

    Tensei Shitara Slime Datta Ken - Vol. 12 Ch. 53 - Myulan the Witch

    Hey, hopefully, Shurim notices that y'all don't give a shit about his effort because "the other is better", goes do something better with his life, and anon, seeing that he "won", posts a couple extra chapters and then quits as well. It's not something unheard of in these "competitions", so...
  17. Orca

    Tomo-chan wa Onna no ko! - Vol. 8 Ch. 874 - I’m glad in a lot of ways

    That feel when people not only think that, just because something is illegal, it doesn't usually have its own laws; forget that real piracy and pirates did have their own laws; and are edgily nonchalant about these snipings when there's countless cases of snipings of translations ending up with...