Thanks for the chapter, though, what caused yall to pick this up its been quite a while with no activity and it wasnt the most popular even when it was updating.
I take it this appeals to you? If so would you share this interest, if it is so innocent, with your boss? Your girlfriend (lol), your parents? If there is truly nothing morally wrong with this content show them.
Cool has a self admitted attraction to young bodies. He's a fucking degen. I didn't say he should be murdered or anything just called a spade a spade, if that bothers you I truly dont know what to say.
Sometimes this manga hits a good stride and you can forget that Cool is a fucking pedophile. Sometimes, like now, you can't . Taking a break from this arc lol
Looking back, she's mentioned that Darin, her transformation power has somewhat divine in origin. She also asked him if he had no resistance to divine magic. I could be onto something.
She's Japanese, so she's probably an Akkorokamui. Its a minor deity from Hokkaido, I'll have to do some rereading to see if she said she was from Hokkaido or if she met the mc there when he was little.