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  1. Oleh665

    Was I Hypnotized by a Classmate? - Ch. 3 - Побачення з моєю однокласницею після уроків.

    Я вас розумію. Сайт, мабуть, для цього якраз призначений (публікувати манґи і комікси різними мовами). Я радий, що є такий сайт, де можна читати манґи різними мовами. Тому я теж вирішив публікувати тут свої переклади однієї манґи (але, чесно кажучи, мені здається, серед українців тут сидять...
  2. Oleh665

    My Clueless First Friend - Side Stories - Ch. 27.5 - Pocky day 2024 special

    Thanks for the translation. I really want to see this chapter in the original manga, like many other chapters. But if they are not in the original releases, then I will make a translation here, if you do not mind
  3. Oleh665

    My Clueless First Friend - Side Stories - Ch. 13 - Skirt

    That's what I thought too (there are some details that point to it). But to be honest, I doubt that Kurokawa and her friends will ever become friends with Nishimura, because I didn't see anything good from them at all when they talked to Nishimura
  4. Oleh665

    My Clueless First Friend - Side Stories - Ch. 13 - Skirt

    To be honest, I'm really excited to read this manga. This story was also in the official release (in chapter 157), like many other chapters. If you want, you can also publish there. By the way, I liked the meme on the last page of the chapter you did. So if you don't mind, I made a translation...
  5. Oleh665

    My Clueless First Friend - Vol. 1 Ch. 2

    I don't understand Italian, but I was very interested to read my favorite manga in Italian. Thanks for posting! I'm really glad that this site allows you to read manga in different languages (even the ones I don't understand). This is my hobby. Please tell me, have you recently started...
  6. Oleh665

    My Clueless First Friend - Vol. 5 Ch. 52

    Так, справді. Дуже шкода