Search results

  1. tomtom78

    "Only with translated chapters in:" search filter not working properly [Not a bug]

    If you try out this search filter, scroll down a bit up until you come across a lot of pornographic results, you'll see that the vast majority of them are chapterless, which I thought the fitler was meant to prevent surfacing in the first place ...
  2. tomtom78

    Filter to hide chapterless mangas.

    Unsure why this still isn't an option, given how much clutter mangas with no chapters make up when you search by tags. I genuinely hate browsing through it because 80% of the results seem to be empty. Please give us a website wide filter for those. I personally have no interest in seeing mangas...
  3. tomtom78

    Increase the banned user list length

    I've never seen a limit on any website or platform before, so I can't imagine that having this small of a list would hit your API endpoints this much that it needs to be restricted to such an extent. It's honestly quite frustrating given the amount of people on this website dedicated to posting...
  4. tomtom78

    Website wide tag blacklist

    I don't care about shounen ai (yaoi), i never will, and it seems to be 30% of all chapter updates on this website. Please allow me to not see it so that the rows could be populated with stuff i actually care about rather than feeling like i have no control over my experience. Surely i can't be...
  5. tomtom78

    Exceptions from blocked groups :rejected:

    I love the new feature that lets us block entire scanlation groups, it gets rid of a lot of content i'd never want to see on the main page and makes the website a whole lot more appealing. The only issue i have with it is that sometimes there will be a group i'd like to block, but i then notice...