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  1. Shinjitsu

    One Punch Man (Webcomic/Original) - Ch. 132

    I was looking forward to Metal Bat beating the hell out those neo heroes staffs :((
  2. Shinjitsu

    One Punch Man (Webcomic/Original) - Ch. 130

    Both Hero Association & Neo Hero are so clueless. they think even if S-Class heroes are not around, Neo Hero can handle monster threats. But in fact, it is thanks to the Hero Name Victims Association !!!
  3. Shinjitsu


    Ah, Genos's weapon finally changed, no more heat wave cannon, just badass lightning cannon. Of all S class heroes, i think Genos had the most dramatic entrance.
  4. Shinjitsu


    Interesting. Tatsumaki is dodging Psykos' attacks instead of blocking it.
  5. Shinjitsu


    Garou's outward appearance is changing dramatically 1. hair is now straight & pointy 2. black eyes, white pupil which look just like monster's 3. entire body seems recovered (garou look beat up at the beginning of the fight) 4. bandage wrapping around his body now looks combined
  6. Shinjitsu

    One Punch Man (Webcomic/Original) - Ch. 121

    The previous chapters' panels were small so it was really hard to see the details. I was shock to see a chapter with panels a lot bigger than usual, the quality was great. Waifu2x worked really well
  7. Shinjitsu


    Flash was like slash slash slash slash but Staima only needed one punch 🤣🤣🤣 Staitama looked like a villain trying to get away after robbing a bank 😂😂😂
  8. Shinjitsu


    In page 4 Rover's heat bombs have curve trajectories, is that even possible ?
  9. Shinjitsu


    I'm pretty sure Bang & Bomb didn't need Fubiki's protection Without her projection, they would have been free to dodge Rover's attack 🤣🤣🤣
  10. Shinjitsu


    drive knight has 10 packs in some pages like page 10, page 15 and 8 packs in other pages
  11. Shinjitsu

    Yuusha ga Shinda! - Vol. 17 Ch. 169 - Even If Our Dreams Will Never Come True...

    Friedrich should have pushed Farom in a rift to teleport him somewhere else instead of fighting him
  12. Shinjitsu


    finally got to see drive knight in action, he looked cool as hell!!!
  13. Shinjitsu

    One Punch Man (Webcomic/Original) - Ch. 115

    where is the last page which listed all the ninjas' name 5th Graduation Class: Possibility Freezing Frost 9th Graduation Class: Surplus Ballistic Bullet 13th Graduation Class: Flowering Melodious Melody Colourful Colour 15th Graduation Class: Iron Plate Screeching Scream 16th Graduation...
  14. Shinjitsu

    One Punch Man (Webcomic/Original) - Ch. 116

    impatiently wating for the next chapters T_T. Wondering what will it be when manga version catches up to this chapter cuz flash is alot faster than sonic in manga version
  15. Shinjitsu

    Mob Psycho 100 - Vol. 12 Ch. 90 - Boss Fight

    the page 29 is on 1st, page 5 is missing
  16. Shinjitsu

    Black Clover - Vol. 12 Ch. 108 - The Uncrowned Undefeated Lioness

    there is a page missing after page 8
  17. Shinjitsu


    Gale Wind sends Flashy Flash's sword flying in page 17, how come Flash still has his sword in page 18?