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  1. G

    Zekkyou Gakkyuu Tensei - Vol. 2 Ch. 9 - The Black Cradle

  2. G

    Zekkyou Gakkyuu Tensei - Vol. 2 Ch. 8 - Polyandry

    It's such a shame the two guys have pretty much the same personality by the end. Imagine living with your two fused bf but one side is the calm, cool one and the other is the hotheaded one. You could make a sitcom out of that
  3. G

    Zekkyou Gakkyuu Tensei - Vol. 2 Ch. 7 - Time, stop

    suspended in time, with no one to press the stopwatch. eventually, both of them stopped thinking
  4. G

    What REAL literature are you reading now?

    I currently reading Kafka on the Shore, it's my first Murakami (well, second after The Wild Sheep Chase i read years ago, but not remember a thing). It's such a fascinating work, the sentences are easy to read, and sometimes just flow really well it doesn't feel as hard as other literature. But...
  5. G

    What REAL literature are you reading now?

    I read Chekhov's short stories in my language (not english), and it feels.... weird? maybe it's the translation, or maybe i just don't get russian culture, but the stories feels mundane to me, it's just civil servant or people with crooked person if i remember it right.
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    Zekkyou Gakkyuu Tensei - Vol. 1 Ch. 4 - Spaceman

    but does that mean the man who makes the video is a native alien or something?
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    Zekkyou Gakkyuu Tensei - Vol. 1 Ch. 4 - Spaceman

    yeah i was like WHAAATTT
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    Zekkyou Gakkyuu Tensei - Vol. 1 Ch. 3 - Hide and Seek Demon

    i love when the mc can outdone the demon here
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    Ura Baito: Toubou Kinshi - Ch. 184 - Shrine Guide ①

    oh i really like the comparison to doctor who here. we even got some favorite recurring characters like daldal and river song
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    Zekkyou Gakkyuu Tensei - Vol. 1 Ch. 2 - Devil's Classroom

    oh this is a nice horror story
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    Zekkyou Gakkyuu Tensei - Vol. 1 Ch. 1 - Handmade Boyfriend

    wow this is already a terrifying one
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    Zekkyou Gakkyuu - Vol. 1 Ch. 3.4 - The Family of 5

    what a weird little story