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  1. M

    Yotsuba&! - Vol. 12 Ch. 77 - Yotsuba & Torako

    Tora and Yotsuba hanging out, you love to see it
  2. M

    Yotsuba&! - Vol. 11 Ch. 74 - Yotsuba & Cameras

    Scruffy struck the best poses
  3. M

    Yotsuba&! - Vol. 11 Ch. 72 - Yotsuba & Soap Bubbles

    The sheer joy of this chapter... y'know, maybe Yanda's not too bad...
  4. M

    Yotsuba&! - Vol. 11 Ch. 71 - Yotsuba & Pizza

    Damn... could go for a pizza now
  5. M

    Yotsuba&! - Vol. 10 Ch. 67 - Yotsuba & Home Appliances

    Shaving Jumbo's beard was downright devious, even for Yotsuba
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    LOVE-BULLET - Vol. 2 Ch. 11 - Compatibility

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    Yotsuba&! - Vol. 10 Ch. 64 - Yotsuba & Pancakes

    I see... Pancake-Loving Man had disguised himself as Koiwai...
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    Yotsuba&! - Vol. 9 Ch. 58 - Yotsuba & Coffee

    the stills of her bending down to pick Duralumin up, not noticing the tilted mug just pouring it everywhere 💀
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    Yotsuba&! - Vol. 9 Ch. 56 - Yotsuba & Schedules

    thank god it was a dream...
  10. M

    Yotsuba&! - Vol. 8 Ch. 54.2 - Yotsuba & Festivals (2)

    Azuma and his team (I assume he also has people who help) already knock it out of the park with backgrounds, but those shrines were so immaculately detailed
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    Yotsuba&! - Vol. 8 Ch. 52 - Yotsuba & the Typhoon

    Idk how to describe it, but there's something kinda beautiful about 13-15 imo
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    Yotsuba&! - Vol. 8 Ch. 51 - Yotsuba & the Cultural Festival

    Not liking Yotsuber and complaining, yet continuing to read... Yanda behaviour
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    Yotsuba&! - Vol. 7 Ch. 48 - Yotsuba & the Ranch

    I love how they all enthusiastically follow Yotsuba around and go along with whatever she's saying or doing. She rly does have the best friends and family
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    Yotsuba&! - Vol. 7 Ch. 47 - Yotsuba & Taking Off

    You know the chapters gonna be good when Yanda appears
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    Yotsuba&! - Vol. 7 Ch. 44 - Yotsuba & Farm

    same, can't believe Koiwai did this...
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    Yotsuba&! - Vol. 7 Ch. 43 - Yotsuba & Respect for the Aged Day

    surely a princess who has a house that large can afford a second or even third tire
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    Yotsuba&! - Vol. 4 Ch. 25 - Yotsuba & Adolescence

    Poor Fuuka's broken heart... and then Asagi being a pain and Yotsuba parroting it D: