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    Jitsu wa Ore, Saikyou Deshita? - Vol. 5 Ch. 28 - The Annoying Professor Keeps Following Me Around...

    @MayTheFool i think they were talking about what happened in chapter 26.
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    Yu-Gi-Oh! OCG Structures - Vol. 3 Ch. 15 - Pressure...!!

    this duel is turning into a list of cards that i have come to hate.
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    Hokkaidou no Geneki Hunter ga Isekai ni Hourikoma Rete Mita - Vol. 1 Ch. 1.1

    @Syanalassa apparently it's commonly used for hunters
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    Ane Naru Mono - Vol. 6 Ch. 36

    @Sempol the modelx in the magazine also includes all three members of 2nd gen of Hololive-id
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    Heika, Kokoro no Koe ga Dadamore desu! - Vol. 1 Ch. 1.1

    @4altera the kind of kingdom that's defeated in war.
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    Kubo Won't Let Me Be Invisible - Vol. 5 Ch. 52 - Coffee and Younger Sister Independence

    @Duckey cuz children aren't supposed to consume too much caffeine. And since half of a coffe cup is more than enough caffeine for a kid, it would way easier to just not give children any coffee. There's also the bitter taste that is usually associated with coffee, well at least black instant...
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    Deadpool: Samurai - Vol. 1 Ch. 1

    @codydub03 all i hear is sugita's voice.
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    Yu-Gi-Oh! OCG Structures - Vol. 2 Ch. 12 - Team Battle

    @CheerTheDead eh even back in the day wall of text is already a thing. Cards such as relinquished and thousan eyes restrict has a pretty chuncky text even for today's standard. Of course if we're talking about pendulum cards, that's a whole different level of wall of text.
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    Saihate no Paladin - Vol. 6 Ch. 29 - Academy of Sages

    @Zombiepaste ah back in the day when everything wasn't being compared to SAO.
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    Love and Lifespan - Oneshot

    @DigiTheMelon well the logical explanation as to why her lifespan change is either she was going to kill herself, or that the ability predicts that the protag will find a way to avoid the other girl's death.
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    The Girl With a Mirrored Heart - Oneshot

    @Alice_is_lost but it shouldn't be that big of a deal tho. like i bet you don't even think about whether your friends organs may be mirrored or not. Sure it may be a problem to the one that has it, but why should other people care that much? The people that should care are medical staffs and...
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    Suterareta Tensei Kenja ~Mamono no Mori de Saikyou no Dai Mateikoku wo Tsukuriageru~ - Vol. 1 Ch. 2 - Beramus' Magic Classroom

    @Jercov- people are complaining because the chapter have been reuploaded so many times. Not because of what they read. Meanwhile the raw is alread at ch. 17 and here we are stuck in a TL limbo and still at ch. 2.
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    Kindan Shitei de Breakthrough ~Boy Meets Satan~ - Vol. 2 Ch. 6

    @Nikolassur92 It was obvious that they cared about him, but it's a mess caused by lack of communication.
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    Honzuki no Gekokujou ~Shisho ni Naru Tame ni wa Shudan wo Erandeiraremasen~ Dai 2-bu 「Hon no Tamenara Miko ni Naru!」 - Vol. 3 Ch. 10 - The Orphanage …

    @mahtan well you should also consider that these children are probably living in fear if they don't do things right, they think that they might be sent back to live in a dark room with barely any food. They were basically abandoned and neglected, which probably left them traumatized. Take...
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    @Oh_so_Intricate looks more like a general stance, which is actually logical to use in a brawl.
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    Akuyaku Reijou no Tsuihougo! - Vol. 4 Ch. 16 - Escape From the Birdcage of Fate

    @REMasher then why put a sociopathic manchild that attempted both murder and rape in the first place? You can rationalize it how ever you want, but an attempt of murder and sexual assault already derailed the whole goddam thing. The fact that the author just gloss over it just makes it worse.
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    Nishuume Cheat no Tensei Madoushi 〜Saikyou ga 1000-nengo ni Tensei Shitara, Jinsei Yoyū Sugimashita〜 - Vol. 1 Ch. 1.2

    @Feykro eh, the whole thing is a trope honestly. the "reincarnated into x years in the future, only to have the magic/strength standard declining so hard. And for some reason there's a plot that makes the MC extremely underestimated" is basically the new "transported to an isekai".
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    Gori-sen ~The type of PE teacher to die first during a panic~ - Vol. 1 Ch. 5

    @Vmpslushie i've actually been getting hero wars ads in every other language except for english recently. Japanese, Chinese, Korean, French. idk if they're trying different language to make me click it (well in this case, press on it). But it sure ain't working.
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    Boukenka ni Narou! Skill Board de Dungeon Kouryaku - Vol. 4 Ch. 16

    i really hate the trope of "nice" MC. Ah yes give them another chance. Ah yes put a joke in there. The tonal discrepancy between "We're gonna rape them and kill them fuck yeah" to a joke then to "Oh, i know you were bad but we can make this through together" is such a whiplash that i think...
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    Iseikai Tensei - Vol. 1 Ch. 1

    @cakekid what antagonist?