I like how this drama was never dragged out. Because in some other romcoms, they would spend an entire arc NTR baiting only for them to reconcile anyways.
Neo Rangers don’t stand a chance unless their executive has some 4d keikaku going on. It’d be interesting how Sousei fuck up everything though. It’s like he traded places with D being the chaotic third party towards this whole thing
I mean they already implied it in the first chapters that dragons with sufficient power/skill can transform into a human but man I can't help but feel for the MC :angery:
This "sequel" seems pointless other than to affirm what was already established and have Kageaki beat all of the famous samurai in Japan.
And damn they really did just brought back Chachamaru just to kill her off again and make me sad again 😭
I wonder what the other heroines' fetishes will be about now that we got the basic S/M shit. Imagine if one of them has a bestiality kink and the president will act like a dog