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  1. arjay_es

    Doujima-kun wa Doujinai - Vol. 2 Ch. 12 - Doujima-kun and the Summer Festival

    Whoa... a character saying something that isn't drowned by the fireworks? Doujima really built different huh.
  2. arjay_es

    Pseudo Harem - Vol. 6 Ch. 119 - Memories

    Thanks for the chapter!
  3. arjay_es

    We Swore to Meet in the Next Life and That’s When Things Got Weird! - Ch. 5

    Thank you for the chapter! What a lovely series.
  4. arjay_es

    Kanojo mo Kanojo - Vol. 5 Ch. 37 - Awaken, Naoya!

    I love the fact he took his time to analyze the outfit.
  5. arjay_es

    You Like Me, Not My Daughter?! - Vol. 1 Ch. 2.2

    Even the daughter gave her blessings lmao.
  6. arjay_es

    You Like Me, Not My Daughter?! - Vol. 1 Ch. 1.4

    Chad hitting her with the reverse uno.
  7. arjay_es

    Girlfriend, Girlfriend - Vol. 3 Ch. 20 - From Tsun To Dere Dere

    The plot is getting out of hand. Give me more.
  8. arjay_es

    Kanojo mo Kanojo - Vol. 2 Ch. 18 - From Tsun to Dere

    Saki's commentary is just hilarious.
  9. arjay_es

    Pseudo Harem - Vol. 6 Ch. 117 - Decided

    Harem ending confirmed.
  10. arjay_es

    This Italian Girl Has Become Such a Freeloader - Ch. 15

    I thought I was the only one who thought of that lmao.
  11. arjay_es

    Cigarette and Cherry - Vol. 6 Ch. 73 - I like you.
