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    Kasane to Subaru - Vol. 5 Ch. 42

    WHAT DO YOU MEAN ONLY ONE MORE CHAPTER?? ALREADY?? I could have read this forever 😭
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    Cooking Papa - Vol. 3 Ch. 25 - Spring blossom! Inari sushi for a melancholy night

    well, I might make the inari sushi but.... horse tartare with raw egg yolk is a terrible idea in the US
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    Cooking Papa - Vol. 2 Ch. 24 - Omurice of youngful days

    Thank for another chapter! It looks good and I'm happy to have another bit of this classic series to read
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    Cooking Papa - Vol. 2 Ch. 23 - Early Spring Wind: Nutritious Carp Soup

    No way!!! A new cooking papa chapter after all this time!! I'm so happy 😭😭😭
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    Meshinuma - Vol. 5 Ch. 61 - Splitting Watermelon With Everyone!

    I was just thinking about this series! I can't believe anyone picked it up
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    Oishinbo - Vol. 13 Ch. 116 - Battle of the Whales (Part 5)

    Thank god it's over. It's really shocking how much of a snob the author is and how much he advocates for doing things the hard way, for doing things the right way, and from never shying away from the truth... until it comes to some regressive personal belief he holds.
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    Kiyo in Kyoto: From the Maiko House - Vol. 28 Ch. 295 - Comrades

    was this drawn by an assistant or something? the chef boys actually look like men here
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    The Chef - Vol. 14 Ch. 112 - The Actress

    Holy shit a new chapter! Thank you for translating!
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    Amai Seikatsu - Vol. 27 Ch. 318 - Lord, Princess, Shinsuke

    nothing gets my eyes rolling more than when manga cover obstetrics. i swear there is not a less informed population than manga artists.
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    Pinning Down Joy - Vol. 1 Ch. 9

    I just read through this, six months too late I suppose. It's a very charming and down-to-earth manga despite the supernatural elements. As there's only a few more chapters, I hope it gets finished some time. Thank you for allowing me to read what you have.
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    If You're Gonna Dress Up, Do It Like This - Vol. 6 Ch. 48.5

    Thanks for the translation! The staff is right, it's hard to talk color in a B&W publication. But it's still good to talk about
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    Shin Cooking Master Boy! - Vol. 12 Ch. 98 - Grand Tournament in the Forbidden Purple City

    a return after three years! unbelievable!! thank you for bringing this back to us
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    Okusan - Vol. 20 Ch. 141

    PLEASE tell me japan doesn't think colostrum is "waste products" and encourages you to clear it before breast feeding what the hell
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    Kiyo in Kyoto: From the Maiko House - Vol. 22 Ch. 234 - Hot Water Bottles and Peeling Chestnuts

    I love this series and I get that the decision to refrain from showing commercial levels of goods is probably to keep it feeling cozy, but girl. you bought like six ounces of salmon for what, 15 people? that's just silly.
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    Tamako Teishoku - Chuumon no Iranai Omise - Ch. 3.2

    this is as far as i could make it before giving up. all the characters are assholes but think they're right, the main character just stares vacantly and enables all the assholes, the information is dangerously wrong, and the premise is weak. I can't understand why anyone would read this.