I just inherited a big sauce pan from my mother (high quality) that she used to make her pasta sauces, so I get Kiyo’s love and excitement with her cooking ware. I can’t wait to cook with it! Maybe a classic Marinara sauce to start :)
Huh... Either she’s giving him enough anxiety that it’s basically eating away at his stomach lining (at this point her possible) or he might actually like her? Itai is an enigma for sure. She brings us such blissful cringe.
Wow, it’s like this guy is cursed. Well, more like Itai is cursed and he’s getting mild symptoms of her curse... it hurt seeing her upset though. I hope it works out... or better yet the cringe goes up to 100x :)
Huh I always drank cold water in the morning. Always saw it as a way to help wake up but maybe I’ll try the warm water? With some lemon and honey tho :)