19th Century Memoir - Ch. 25 - Best Friend (3)

Jan 25, 2019
I can't imagine how hurt he must be at those adults' disregard to his sister's current wellbeing when he has been trying so hard to locate her whereabouts... one can never assume that she ended up with a good family...
Jun 9, 2019
B*stards! These people are selfish self-centred a**holes for being so dismissive towards his sister's wellbeing, but the worst is that marquis! There's no way he's not aware of where she is! He's a marquis & a relative!! He's just blatantly hiding her whereabouts & ignoring William's suffering for some selfish reason... How can you have the heart to separate such young siblings knowing very well all the suffering they went through! Especially knowing that he was best friend with their father!! How can you just be so welcoming & affectionate towards him yet so cruel to even reject & separate him of his only remaining family :'(
Aggregator gang
Apr 16, 2020
Thank you!
So apparently people were reluctant to care for William too, I thought the only one despised was the daughter, turns out William too....

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