99 Boss

Sep 29, 2018
What a disappointment. The first few chapters had promise. I liked the character designs, especially the main character. I thought how he looked was going to lead to jokes about how someone who looks in their 30s is actually a young student. Some of the comedy bits were fun, like the snotty blonde student was acting like he was some top dog; made him a bit endearing.

When it turned towards the action scenes, that's when the flaws became overwhelming. The main problem there are scenes where it feels like the artist left out parts of a fight. For example, in the scene where there's a group of delinquents facing off against the main character, the main character kicks up dust and beats up most of the delinquents off screen. Then the last delinquent standing is unable to move, paralyzed with fear, not knowing what's happening. The issue is we didn't see the main character actually hit anyone and we don't see the aftermath. It literally cuts from one delinquent standing in a dust cloud to the leader of a group saying the seniors will get mad.

Unfortunately the character writing shows its flaws as we get further into the series. The main character goes from silent and stoic, to naive and dim, to paternal and oppressive. Even the snotty kid kills all good will I had for him by being a mean spirited bully.

Final thing I want to bring up is just how passionless and cynical this series comes across as. The art fall off a few chapters in. Copy/pasting background characters is used heavily and without artistic flair. As mentioned earlier, fight scenes have little impact because the scenes don't show characters getting hit; it's all set up and reactions from other characters. I literally was wondering if this was generated by ChatGPT.

Skip this series. There are plenty of delinquent manwha series that are worlds better.

tldr; Action scenes feel unfinished, characters are either boring cliches or incomprehensible, a sense of cynicism runs through how this series is structured. It all feels like it was inspired by AI content. Avoid.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 7, 2019
This series has an interesting premise, but is pretty poorly executed. It kinda feels like the terminator going to high school, but he beats people with the power of friendship (and his quarter-ton paws). In general some parts of the story and setting feel weird, like the MC's martial arts(?), but perhaps an explanation will be given in the future.

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