@doctagon Her night shift ends around 8 AM so the sleep/hanging out part should start with that time, then IMO the getting ready should be 6 PM with her shift starting at 8PM.
If the author had those times specifically listed then just ignore me.
@doctagon Her night shift ends around 8 AM so the sleep/hanging out part should start with that time, then IMO the getting ready should be 6 PM with her shift starting at 8PM.
If the author had those times specifically listed then just ignore me.
Yeah, so… When Japanese is written in vertical rows, like in a manga text bubble, it’s read right to left. When Japanese is written in horizontal rows— like a work document, or this timeline,— it’s read left to right. Basically if they can make the language annoying, they will…
There was a while before World War II where they wrote in horizontal rows right to left. Which is even more confusing somehow