A.I. Love You: The Last Program (fan translation)
While TOKYOPOP has the rights to the eight-volume A.I. Love You (AI ga Tomaranai), they don't have the rights to any of the material published on the Japan-only computer CD-Rom, AI ga Tomaranai 0->9. This CD-Rom has three further adventures with the cast that are in full-color, two are simply fairy tale stories, but one is a six-page epilogue entitled "The Last Program." Once I had finished up my adaptation work on TOKYOPOP's release of A.I. Love You, I had a deep desire to get this epilogue in English. I called in a favor from one of the translators I had worked with, Nan Rymer, and then made my own English Adaptation from her translation so that the finished product would match the previous rewrite work I had done. I then took things a step further and took out all the balloon text, retouched the color artwork and then laid out the manga in Adobe InDesign. I want to make it clear that I do not own the rights to this strip. I am merely presenting the following files strictly as showcase pieces for my portfolio.