This is my favourite webcomic by far right now. Was such a fun chapter to relieve the tension of the trial arc ^^ but where are the kids?!?
Thanks @belittled_mia and your friend for the top quality chapters! Appreciate the time and care that goes into these, really doing the wonderful story justice!
@dinqee If I include my experiences in trying these things before, then I might not be new xD There are so many things that need improvement in my opinion. I would say this is my first time showing this stuff to everyone and I never thought that so many people would think it was great! I've tried redrawing and typesetting before, but I've never really showed it others (and if you look closely, my redrawing is actually not that good lmao!)
@nin-nin thank you for reading the chapter too! ;-;
Nora trying to get away from a toxic relationship with his shitty parents. I'm rooting for Nora and hope the parents get what they deserve. I fucking hate pieces of shit.
Wow thats a wondwerful chapter. The editting was Uff great! Good job girls I hope you can do it until the end if your activities let you. Cheers to both of you!
@xeredge rather than being abusive outright, nora's relationship with his parents is the way it is because of lack of communication. his mother is very withdrawn and has a history of not speaking up easily, and his father is trying to strongarm nora into following the same path of knighthood with no explanation, which obviously won't work well on a teenager. i think the fact that we see them sit down and consider their relationship with their son in this chapter is much better than the typical "listen, don't speak" type of parenting