A way to filter '/chapter?'-route for oneshots _properly_. AKA filtering for owner-manga's highest chapter <= 0

Dex-chan lover
Jan 2, 2019
As is (probably) well-known, uploaders in this kind of wiki-style DB is extremely fallible. That means that filtering a query for a tag is spotty at best.
In particular this is about the oneshot tag, which appears more unreliable than most, and that already has a solid alternative in the 'lastChapter' field of the manga-responses.

Basically, I would like a param for filtering the chapter's owner-manga's lastChapter field to only retrieve results where it's null, 0 or 1 ([CODE](lastChapter || 0) <= 1[/CODE]).

Additionally, though I can just as well do this clientside due to its rarity, it would be good if there was a param to blacklist a list of specific words from the chapters title. Such as 'promo' or 'omake' usually means the chapter is in fact not a oneshot.

ps: yes, I am well aware this filter will also catch all chapters for mangas where only 1 chapter has been translated so far. But that is something one has to live with in this extremely imperfect world. Because there is no way for a machine (and usually not even humans) to be able to tell whether such a chapter is a oneshot or not from only the metadata, and without actually reading the chapter.

pps: if you, the reader, are aware of any case where a oneshot would fail to appear with such a filter, please do describe it. While it is fine to get false positives, it is not fine to have false negatives.
Jan 19, 2018
That would get you oneshots but it would also get you series where the last chapter value has not been set.

Last chapter/volume fields are for describing the last chapter and volume in a series (i.e. the end of a series) and not the last uploaded chapter. For example any ongoing series would be picked up by that because those values are not settable.

Edit: you could also filter by the publication status to somewhat help, but you will still have the issue of bad data
Dex-chan lover
Jan 2, 2019
That would get you oneshots but it would also get you series where the last chapter value has not been set.

Last chapter/volume fields are for describing the last chapter and volume in a series (i.e. the end of a series) and not the last uploaded chapter. For example any ongoing series would be picked up by that because those values are not settable.

Edit: you could also filter by the publication status to somewhat help, but you will still have the issue of bad data
Wait, the lastChapter field isn't the mangas lastChapter? That explains why it's not indexed by translation language, I were wondering about when one would need a field for lastChapter, irregardless of which language it's from (figured it was to help identify mangas that had translations [in any language] beyond what ie. MAL suggests should be possible). I suppose that explains how the [End] tag knows which chapter to attach to in the ToC's... :p

Well then, then my suggestion should probably be expanded to also add a field that does what one expects lastChapter to do (essentially chapters.flatMap( |{lang, chs}| chs.map(|ch| ch.chapter) ).max(), or even chapters.flatMap(|{lang, chs}| { lang: lang, chs: chs.map(|ch| ch.chapter).max() })), which can be used like suggested. (and similar for lastVolume, I guess? Even if I don't need it myself, all owner-manga's value-fields should probably be filterable)

Publication status wouldn't help either. Just like uploaders fail to tag oneshots, they also usually leave them as ongoing. Somethimes because they themselves simply don't know whether it's an actual oneshot or not.
In fact, on the opposite side of the spectrum we often see oneshots that ends up having more than a single chapter, because tl misunderstood authors intent. Or author changed their mind and decided to continue.
Either way, I want to filter for chapter-count, simply because (like I said) I am ok with any false positives, but not false negatives.

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