Uhm, yeah... You might want to turn it down a notch.
100+ chapters is a bit too much for one person, especially when I keep learning (and forgetting) new kanji in every page I turned.
Was hoping the first chapter would generate enough mindshare for another to pick it up and then I can jump in the bed with them.
Thing is I loved Zipang, its very mature in dealing with the issues and I can simply turn off all the nitpicking, given that its an alternate what-ifs with ridiculous premise to begin with.
This one... Not so much, it deals with a very real & sensitive matter thus I think it warrants a more criticized point-of-view, if you will.
Sort of but not really your average jingoist's wet dreams. The political and strategical aspects is rather well-researched.
Consultation with Osamu Eya, a journalist & visiting professor specializing in military intelligence of Soviet and North Korea, definitely pays off.
(Unfortunately, he passed away in May 20th, 2018 and the story does take a noticeable hit)
The tactical aspect... Well, let's just assume they had to be a very incompetent armed forces incapable of performing basic check & conducts in many of the following chapters.
But then again, its mostly entertainment and this is what the author believes to be necessary to instill the dramatic elements.