It could. If he didn't wish for his noble status/something else beforehand, and only after lambasting these bitches on front of Royal court"As my one favor for defeating the demon king, I ask to marry the Dawn Witch."
Could it be this easy?
He's looking further than that. First is fixing the political hot mess the kingdom is about to be if those doofuses become king and queen, second is helping MC grow a sense of independence."As my one favor for defeating the demon king, I ask to marry the Dawn Witch."
Could it be this easy?
He's looking further than that. First is fixing the political hot mess the kingdom is about to be if those doofuses become king and queen, second is helping MC grow a sense of independence.
First MC's gotta get rid of that Obedience seal if she's even going to hope of independence.I hope Wayne realizes the problem is that Lacey literally doesn't know what she wants/can't even consider disobeying due to her upbringing, it's very sweet that he's trying to be considerate of her feelings but right now what she needs more than anything is to be taken away from these people so she can learn a life outside of obedience
this hero mc has balls of tungsten so Possible."As my one favor for defeating the demon king, I ask to marry the Dawn Witch."
Could it be this easy?