From my understanding, the demon king try to possess her only when his present host dies. So he only tried to possess her when her brother died, and instantly to over her, she blew Albus’ arm like 1 sec after she realized the demon king was her brother. So the time frame is inexistant to begin with. She could already ear him when she was a child, even though he wasn’t possessing her yet. She probably was more compatible with the demon king than her brother to begin withShe has always had the black/dark pupils and so did her brother. That is interesting.
I have to wonder what the time frame for her to be a complete vessel for the Demon King actually is. Albus is trying to speedrun this whole thing, but what if she has already and always been a complete vessel? Is he going with it has to be under 3 years (he hasn't stated his actual goal I think) because that is what he believes would be the correct time?
This whole thing is so intriguing and I love it. It is also a very different take on this whole formula that I am here for.
From my understanding, the demon king try to possess her only when his present host dies. So he only tried to possess her when her brother died, and instantly to over her, she blew Albus’ arm like 1 sec after she realized the demon king was her brother. So the time frame is inexistant to begin with. She could already ear him when she was a child, even though he wasn’t possessing her yet. She probably was more compatible with the demon king than her brother to begin with
Loveso how do you combat that?
Well since the big brother actually grew after being possessed when he was young, I can guess that the bodies possessed by the demon king can age and die, maybe that’s what happened to the previous body. As what he can do to save Fiona, my only guess is that he must prevent her to be possessed in the first place, by getting someone else possessed for example (maybe himself even) and resisting his domination from the insideYeah, I remember that from 2 chapters prior.
But this begs the question of why the Demon King possessed her brother in the first place. Did another hero defeat the Demon King at that time? Did the Demon King revive?
Anyways, I imagine the truth is that Fiona has always been the "perfect" vessel for the Demon how do you combat that?