@DoodleChan Yeah, I mean I understand how she is acting given her lack of education and experience. But for someone who is so scared of death she certainly didn't scream very much (and the adrenaline rush/child mindset could certainly pull out a lot more than the 3 shouting speech bubbles she managed) and really I think having a prophetic dream would make more sense given her powers. The time-travelling back thing seems like an excuse to draw out the story with some arc giving her the reasoning for why she was reborn and possibly getting new awareness of previously untouched powers, but that could have been explored naturally if she just got a vision of the future. I guess I'm just frustrated with how slowly this story is moving, especially when the MC is more clueless than we are.
She just doesn't show much emotion. Maybe she learned that from the count, but the open-mouthed blank-eyed look is starting to get less cute and more annoying for me lmao. I hope we get a timeskip after this arc, because I'm not sure I can take an additional 30+ chapters where she's just a child not knowing anything or barely reacting to anything, even if it is about her learning to express herself...