Anemone is in Heat - Ch. 43.1 - Misunderstanding (1)

Dex-chan lover
Jan 8, 2023
Maybe it's just me but I'm not hanging around having conversations with someone who repeatedly badmouths my girlfriend; and "what's going on between these two?" I think she meant to say "what's wrong with this new girl?" Since clearly her GF isn't the one causing issues. I hope it doesn't go the way of pretending they're both at fault.

Fun chapter regardless.
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Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2023
Cant this annoying bitch just jumb infront of Truck-kun already? Like why do she think she has any right to talk/act like this? Also why is Nagisa not saying anything to the bitch when she talk like this to her GF? Nagisa I am Sorry, but right now you are just as Big of a bitch as the annoying bitch
Dex-chan lover
Oct 20, 2020
Maybe I'm too old, but I can't understand the relationship dynamic on display. If my casual acquaintance was constantly trying to start shit with one of my closer friends, let alone s/o, I definitely know on which side I would stand by default. First stop talking and cool it, then explain why are you starting something. If there is a legitimate reason, we can still talk about it - otherwise, I think we may have to part ways.
Dex-chan lover
Oct 13, 2019
I....think their relationship is taking a somewhat bad turn....
I mean, the way I see it, Mashiro is a tad too's not good if she thinks "why didn't she talk with me before" or if she can't stand a few less hours with Nagisa
And Nagisa too.....even if the other girl is a kohai and an old friend, she shouldn't let her speak that way to her lover
Dex-chan lover
Apr 8, 2023
I like how the author thinks that adding this unnecessary drama ark is good for the story or that they think the readers actually like or want this, though it is the authors story, but not every story has to have this kind of drama added to it, on the contrary it can actually make it worse, like there is nothing wrong with a good wholesome story regardless if is yuri or not, my feeling is the same as the last chp when the kouhai was introduced. This unnecessary drama trope is hurting the story and I really think the author shouldn't have went with this story ark.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 8, 2023
Maybe I'm too old, but I can't understand the relationship dynamic on display. If my casual acquaintance was constantly trying to start shit with one of my closer friends, let alone s/o, I definitely know on which side I would stand by default. First stop talking and cool it, then explain why are you starting something. If there is a legitimate reason, we can still talk about it - otherwise, I think we may have to part ways.
I know the type of person who would allow their SO to be consistently berated like this and I don't think the author intended for us to view their relationship that way? It feels like we're just doing whatever is needed to setup the trope but even that doesn't make sense because we could set this up in many other ways. We'll see but I'm not feeling this arc already.

Edit: The other option I've seen played out before is that the audience is meant to think it's cute to see her arguing with this new girl, and Nagisa is meant to be an audience stand in caught between two girls' bickering, inevitably being their mediator.
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Dex-chan lover
Mar 9, 2020
Oooor, they're both teenagers with zero experience at romantic relationships and need to mature more. I don't believe Nagisa is consciously being this way, it's also unclear if she understands the implications of the things being said here. She didn't buy or accept her bs when the junior directly confronted her last chapter, and even reassured Mashiro.

We have the insight into all characters' thoughts and feelings, but the characters do not. Her saying "The Nagisa I know wasn't like this. You're the cause" (I paraphrased) isn't an inherently bad statement, but we know that it's meant negatively, and Mashiro probably does as well since the junior was glaring at her. We don't even know if Nagisa saw that clearly, like at all, which would make sense on why she was confused at the end.

In Mashiro's case, she's mainly just insecure and clingy, and doesn't know it's okay (and encouraged) to express that in words to her partner, because she has zero experience.

I'd give it alike 2 more chapters to see if this is really beat-for-beat just for the cliché, or them genuinely bumbling through due to inexperience and the work acknowledges that.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 8, 2023
Mashiro's face in that last panel is pure disgust! She's looking at the new threat girl like she's scraped her off the bottom of her shoe as she should.

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