Aola Star - Parallel Universe - Ch. 13 - The Hero Knights

Active member
Dec 4, 2018
I love Black Clover, but calling this "plagiarism" - as in using the same tropes as countless works did in the past - is just dumb. BC was not the first one either, nor will it be the last. This is how this industry is.
Group Leader
Jul 1, 2020
@Maala I absolutely agree with you. Unfortunately, in this case, it goes beyond just using the same tropes. In this chapter specifically, the story beats and dialogue are almost identical to ch 2 of Black Clover, and there is no way that it being this similar was just a coincidence. However, you're probably right in saying that it's not fair to call the whole 'hero selection' part of this manhua plagiarism because yeah, it is a trope and stuff like this is really common in shonen manga.

To be honest, this chapter is the only part that was very obviously taken from Black Clover, the rest of it is different enough to feel like it was just following the tropes, and there are a few things that the author does to make it unique and interesting. Just because it's similar to another story doesn't mean you can't enjoy it :) The reason I don't like this part is more to do with how it fits into the overall story rather than the story itself being bad or boring.
Apr 8, 2020
Lmao this is exactly the same as black clover, this just hurts to read😂

At least now I know the author really liked black clover

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