Argate Online - Vol. 3 Ch. 19 - Black Rose

Double-page supporter
Jan 18, 2018
Why bother listening the obvious bad guy, just chop his head off and send a message to the inquisition saying "you're next, kill yourselves while you still can, or I will do it for you" - why listen to the little cunt at all?
Dex-chan lover
Mar 7, 2019
I...don’t understand why exactly they’re harassing him when he hasn’t run afoul of them. He’s strong, keeps to himself, makes tons of money, and invents shit. It’s like they’re going out of their way to be shitheads after he saved that noble girl.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
Don't want to be that guy but fuck Japanese slave trading mentality. Sorry not sorry.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 14, 2019
@Siikalahna you can't beat human curiousity(which kill so many people) information is best weapon in the world you don't know much and you don't have google to ask
@Kamelpov boob shield is the best shield
shield my ass she's fucking dps go look for ch.22.1 and she use bunkler shield which so small she not gonna tank shit
@Doomer no this dude from royal palace he came to investigate mc about unique monster "angura"
he's the mastermind behind that incident knight guard are more musclebrain than this. this dude seem smartass
ref. CH.12 Page-25
Dex-chan lover
Jan 6, 2019
was he that knight that kept framing MC and MC was to much of a cuck to kill him?
Feb 4, 2019
@Doomer Yes he is the knight that framed the MC, but not the knight that challenged him directly in combat (different guy, similar appearance). This guy is like a wannabe Nick Fury.

@Sep10trion He's testing the MC to determine if he's going to be a threat to the country or someone they can turn into their Gofer Bitch.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 21, 2018
i'm disappointed to have my guess correct that the main product is a slave... sigh....
Fed-Kun's army
Aug 8, 2018
Oh I get it.
Elf white/silver
Black rose
MC's armor=Black and white
Aug 4, 2018
@veeman It's about the setting. A lot of Isekai have world with a culture level where something like a slave is realistically common and will be stranger if they don't have it except the author have a reason as to why there's no slave.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 3, 2019

Take our medieval history time period, add in lots more dangerous things to fight and more ways for people to make money by dangerous expeditions and see what you get.
I mean, slaves as a system sort of stopped existing in Europe when Christianity got a really strong foothold, Vikings might've been the last ones to enslave other europeans, but arab pirates enslaved christians they captured for several hundred years after that (although some did get a choice to convert, die or be captured ).
The whole triangle trade was very profitable, and it benefitted all 3 parties African chiefs who either sold their own people or waged war to capture other tribe's people to sell, Plantation Owners anywhere in the Americas who used them for labor because they were cheap, en masse and could withstand the climate and Europeans who manufactured lots of products from the crops grown, some of which were used to trade with the african chiefs existed until a few hundred years ago.
And depending on the nation, serfs in that specific word or just the sense of it existed for a long time as well, mostly tied to plots of land or aristocratic domains of various sizes. They weren't slaves who could be freely traded, but belonged to the land so if the landlord was traded, they switched owners unless they escaped. The last nation to my knowledge that still had serfdom was Imperial Russia and that only crumbled last century.

So... frankly a civilization at that level, in that world setting not having slavery of any kind, be it crime slaves, debt slaves, war slaves, racial slavery etc. is... utopical. And there usually is some specific reason for it. But even if there is, there will always be someone who tries to create it for their own gain, because to them it's just so profitable.

So the question isn't 'Is there slavery or not?' the question should be 'How socially acceptable and widespread is slavery ?'
Double-page supporter
May 18, 2018
Uninspired Lazy Isekai Writing 101 : When in doubt, add a slave girl.

@ksen Camille is a french given name and although it's mostly used for girls nowadays, it was used for both genders in the past.

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