"We need your money so we can keep our domain/pay our staff/be motivated to work on projects! Give us donations if you want to keep reading these series!"
If i wanted to pay to read a manga i would just learn the language and support the author directly. Bc i sure as hell dont have any respect for big companies to give them money for a mediocre TL. "Oh youre just not wanting to pay for shit, you're despicable and cheap" Aint yall in the same boat by coming here? And yeah if i can access shit for free then im not gonna pay for it.
But ya know decades ago when the scanlating game started, nobody had kofi or paypal or patreon. Hell nobody even had websites - most of the early TL was done on fucking AOL amd similar chat rooms and image boards. You dont need a website, you dont need and shouldnt be looking to gain a personal profit from a VOLUNTARY HOBBY, and tbh, if you're main reason for being in the community is to get paid, you should leave. Bc you dont care about what youre doing, youre only there for a paycheck and that just shits on the pride and dignity of the rest of us.
If you dont have the means to TL without having to extort people via obligatory donations or donowalls or website exclusive chapters to gain ad revenue, then stop doing it. Yeah sure raws cost money. But theres plenty of ways to get good quality raws of most things without paying, and plus raws arent that expensive anyway.
You wanna know why people shit on, boycott and overall hate groups like GD, Champion and others like them? Its the same shit youre doing.