@dokhiemlam Most likely about how submarines are able to attack enemies in red squares of the map (the submarines' area).
Jean Bart encountered Siren fleet > suddenly surface fleet called for submarine fleet's support > it suddenly rained torpedoes > Siren fleet was screwed.
@dokhiemlam If you look at the map, you will see that the distance between the submarine fleet and the surface fleet is separated by a rock. The joke here is that the submarine fleet fires their torpedo through the rock and reach the surface fleet battle arena when you signal for reinforcement(Call in submarine fleet).
Basically, this chapter is about Azurlane's Law of screwing physic.
No, Surcouf didn't launch torpedo to a rock. She punched the Siren to a rock causing an impact as dangerous as a torpedo explosion. The joke here is that Suffolk's capability of mounting a 203mm gun makes her more deadly when she surfaces.
That's why this chapter makes Surcouf a parody of DBZ because of her insane firepower despite being a submarine. And also by being a submarine, she can appear and reappear everywhere.