This chapter was a mess!
First of all, there is no place called Don Quixote: the battle mentioned was the battle of Bannockburn, which gave the name to the cocktail.
The battle description is pure fantasy: the Scottish were the one on the offensive, laying siege to the Stirling Castle, while Edward's army was exausted after a week of forced march, rushing to break the siege.
During the first day there were only minor skirmishes, in one of which King Robert himself killed one of the english commanders.
During the night, a scottish noble serving in the English army, defected and warned Robert of the very low morale and suggested he could win the battle. The following day the Scottish completely routed the English, killing and capturing more than half of their knights; during the ensuing retreat, more than 11'000 footmen died, with only one third of the army returning. The scottish lost only two knights.