Blue Hearts - Ch. 40 - The Most Important Thing to Protect

Dex-chan lover
Aug 20, 2020

Again, in chapter 38, we literally read Shiki's mind. He had a thought bubble that said "You already know that I hurt Yagami on purpose". It's completely shit writing if you can read a person's thoughts and then it's completely different from what they're actually thinking. Herp derp, I'm the author, and I'm going to completely lie about what a character is actually thinking just to trick my readers, herp derp. And it's not even needed. The author didn't need to have that thought bubble. It could've been left out completely.

And then there's this actual reason for the "betrayal". Fine, whatever, kind of mediocre, but that's not too bad. But why the actual fuck didn't Shiki just tell him in the first place? Hey, the third years pressured me into lying about this so that they wouldn't fuck around the club room. Why the need to keep a secret for so long? Literally no excuse. Shiki literally visited him in the hospital and had multiple opportunities to just tell him about it. But nope, too damn hard, apparently.
Aggregator gang
Jul 8, 2018
Every bad person in this series is over the top bad.

Still, this guy was one of the most uninteresting sadly. At least it got resolved relatively quick
Double-page supporter
Jul 9, 2018
shit character writing, yeah let me just keep silent regarding the accident that traumatized my friend because some third years manhandled me into silence despite our bond as friends is supposed to be strong. How can you write that he admired the guy but then not write any attempts on him explaining the situation off school? the least writing the author could do was have the same third years keep watch on him for the times shiki would try to explain the accident. Wasn't yagami supposed to be traumatized by the betrayal as well? How can those days of him being alone in his backyard practicing his swing scared of not being able to do kendo again be swept over by a puny match and shiki just lowering himself crying? the logical conclusion would be him getting beat up after the match or at least some form of anger. like bruh first its admiration then its trauma all swept away by some tears. Author needs to know the meaning of these things lmao
Aggregator gang
Apr 6, 2019
I said this before, but when your stakes go from gang rape and suicide to this, regular old bullying is going to be a dud. The author could have at least made the third-years somehow traumatize him to the point he shivers in their presence. That would be understandable. There's nothing to connect with here.
Active member
May 19, 2020

After this chapter with more clear context, I take that whole bubble thought as "You already know I can hurt someone, even my close friend, that badly on purpose because that what I told you, and yet, you still continue without worrying about the possibility of me doing the samething on you. Why don't you just give up like I did? I hate people like you because you remind how weak I am for not able to fight for my friends like what you're doing right now."

So yeah, it was not a plot hole and he did not lie with his thought, it just did not have a clear context back then. His reactions entire arc had been showing that he's not evil, that there were more to it, and this chapter proves it.

And you really think when someone choose to take the blames on themselves for someone's sake, they would just easily tell others, especially people who are involved, about it? I know I wouldn't because what is the point of becoming the bad guy if you can't keep it as a secret to people close to you? Not to mention, Shinki hurt Dai physically, if he told Dai much sooner, he might hurt Dai emotionally making him thinking Shinki had abandoned him and not keeping their promise.

I agree that this is an underwhelming arc with weak writing, and ends up not contribute much to Dai as a character at all, I just don't agree with your points there.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 20, 2020
@PeterAn4798 I want you to pause for a moment and really think about what you just wrote. You had to insert so many words that literally were not written by the author in order to justify what the author did write. I'm fine if you want to give the author the benefit of the doubt, but there should be a limit to how much leeway they get.

And let me make this clear. In the comments to chapter 38, I even specifically said that there's no way Shiki actually intentionally hurt Dai, that there's some further excuse. I knew that this is what would happen to some degree. I am not saying it is a plot hole. I am saying it is bad writing. The author specifically chose to write in these specific words and not any other words. The author decided that the reader should be able to literally read Shiki's mind but only in a way that is completely misleading to the reader. We, as readers, got to see into Shiki's mind but only the parts that were completely opposite of what actually happened? That's bad writing.

As far as the other part, with not telling Dai, I just have to disagree. Shiki could've told Daichi about their seniors threatening him and not make a plan. Instead, Shiki made the fully conscious decision to lie directly to Dai's face when he had explicit opportunity to tell him. It's not like they never saw each other considering they still go to the same school. As another comment said, it could've gone into how the seniors continued to put pressure on Shiki. That would've been a way to make the story reasonable. As it stands now, it looks lackluster and shallow.
Double-page supporter
Jun 15, 2018
Once they retire and he becomes next captain, doesn't he have the authority to kick the senpais out of the clubroom? It's not like the rest of the kouhais don't know that the senpais have been treating them like shit
Active member
May 19, 2020

I agree that reasons for Shinki not telling Dai the truth earlier can be shallow, but it's still pretty understandable for me, probably because I have a similar mindset.

For that bubble thought in chapter 38, I still stand for what I wrote. The beauty of "context" is that it can change the meaning of someone's words completely 180 degrees, and the context has been changed a lot, or more specific, has been more clear since then, which is why I don't see as a bad writing at all.
Active member
May 19, 2020
@Iqbalfauzana Well, that's actually something many other mangas that deal with bullying theme have in common, is that the bullying is usually too over the top and too unreasonably forced for most people, but surprisingly, it isn't too far from the reality.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 20, 2020
@PeterAn4798 I honestly think you might not understand what I meant regarding the thought bubble. Yes, with "context", it makes sense. The context is that there are more words and thoughts that are not written out for the reader to see and understand. That is the missing context. And yes, I understand that not every little detail needs to be explained in depth. I don't get upset if the author leaves certain things unsaid if there's a general understanding.

You're missing my point. It's about the author's writing style. Let's say you go to a restaurant and ask for some water. The waiter comes out with a pitcher of water and asks where's your cup? Because you don't have a cup, the waiter then proceeds to just pour the water on the table, splashing all over you. This restaurant apparently expects you to provide your own cup/glass/drinking vessel if you ask for water, but it never told you in advance. The point here is that you expected something very reasonable and commonly expected to be provided to you IN ADDITION to what you specifically requested. In chapter 38, we LITERALLY read Shiki's mind. Despite the fact that we read his mind, we only get part of what we would expect. We only get the part the author wants us to see because the author wants to directly mislead readers. Why the actual hell are we allowed to directly read his mind but only the part that directly leads to the wrong conclusion? If you were told you co

Again, this is not an issue of being a plot hole. It is an issue of bad writing. You're telling readers hey, go look at what's inside Shiki's mind, but trolololol, it's actually a complete misdirection because I specifically don't want to give you additional context that you would expect to have.

I hope that makes sense. It's never been an issue with what the context actually is. It's the fact that you would expect that context to be provided when you're literally reading the character's mind, but the author doesn't want to give that context because they want to mislead people.
Jun 23, 2020
The complaints below. God this is a fan translation so the dialogue isn't going to be one for one.
And 2 misdirection like this even when in someone's head, is a common tool. Also trauma and guilt can really warp your mindset. I know from experience sometimes you just see the dark parts of things, even when reflecting on it by yourself
Dex-chan lover
Aug 20, 2020
@HecticHooligan That doesn't address any of what I wrote at all. Even in the original Japanese, the reader can literally read Shiki's thoughts. Even in the original Japanese, the reader would not have known anything about Shiki being pressured by the seniors. That's despite the fact that the reader still is literally reading Shiki's mind.

At the end of the day, my point is very simple. If an author lets the reader see the character's thoughts, don't do it in a way that's purposefully misleading. It's cheap and bad writing. The only obvious exception is if there's mind control or something going on. That's the only time it makes sense to mislead based on inner thoughts. This is not one of those exceptions. This is just bad writing.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 20, 2020
@ErikaFurudo FFS, stop complaining about people complaining. Don't read the comments if you don't like what they say.

Personally, I previously explained why I continue to read. Because I want to. Probably the same exact reason as you. I can complain about something while still wanting to continue to read it. Or do you think that anyone who reads something can only praise it and can never have something negative to say?

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