1st: Reiji's mood changes around Nagi and at least he can emote a lil more. Already getting tired of his lifeless abyss'd eyes he had around Chako or Yuri.
2nd: there's gonna be a bloodshed soon. Dunno if there's gonna be casualities, but Yuri wll snap if she finds out Reiji was with Nagi. Also, Reiji would go Abyss Joker on Yuri now that he found out she went to Tokyo to chase him and stole Nagi's phone.
3rd and final: things feel like the opposite of that scene from ch93 where Yuko went to Esemori because Uryu told her. It had Reiji assuming things, but Nagi quickly told her reason.
Imma scared.
4rd: Reiji looks like he was also ashamed when he confessed why he called Nagi all those times. Like he knows he did some stupid shit in her absence (lije trying to light himself with Chako, or the marriage proposal with Yuri. This one now looks more like a parallel with the JAV offers Nagi didn't mind. Basically, dead-end mistakes made because both assumed there was nothing left for them and nothing to lose at that point.
And finally: Reiji's reasons to not accept Shino'oka's help may be out if guilt because of everything Yuko did to her... this one made me raise an eyebrow. Was it the opposite?? Iirc, it was Shino'oka who wanted to take back at Yuko, or that's what she confessed. And in case that shit was true, why does Reiji have to feel guilty on behalf of his mom? Maybe Nagi will make him see he doesn't have to carry with the generational burden, as he is only guilty for the things he has done.