what? evil how? mtl from the publisher ABLAZE? or evil the centaurs?
And evil is a strong word.
cheap and lazy? yes. evil? not so much.
if they fired people to save money thats another story.
I dont eat tyson chicken for that reason. they fired a thousands of people and hired others for half the price. thats corrupt.
Isn't the art fantastic? Mtl didnt write the story or create the art.
I will still support this manga because the mangaka didn't do anything wrong (that i can tell). Buying the legal translation matters because it lets them know we love and appreciate their work. Even if its through an intermediary. The only official English intermediary.
There are other ways of protesting and voicing upset with the intermediary publishers without discouraging the author.
And who knows, if the message of discontent with low quality translations gets through, the author may change publishers.🤞