@Kirin-Kun First, he trusts her. how could you say he doesn't? Omg. There are indeed examples that it shows that he trusts her, like when that jerk Hakamada forced a kiss on her, Naruse didn't ask her anything or doubt her, he was so sweet and mature with her. (Ch 88) Also in ch 94 where she was staring at the jerk too, Naruse saw her but he didn't doubt her or misunderstand anything. Tbh, I'm so tired of you saying such dangerous stuff just like that cause you hate him, agh. When Naruse acts mature and good (like in ch 88) you won't comment but when he mistakes you come here like a troll and hateful person bashing him, omg, really!
And, in ch 77 when Naruse became a college student, usami told Yuki you have to be careful or girls will steal him, then Yuki imagined a scene of a girl asking him to her house and him agreeing, and she thought "that can really happen" , isn't this really doubtful and distrust? (Even though she knows he's not that kind of guys) , When Yuki acts immature, jealous and doubts him, she's just "cute and poor" but when Naruse gets jealous, he's "Immature , possessive and unhealthy boyfriend" , Agh, Hypocrite and gender biased, how pathetic.
"A control freak", agh, seriously, where are you getting your sick analysises? It's really pathetic on your own, you should stop! I mean, Can you give me just one example where he controls her? She actually works a manager and so, always with guys but Naruse never bothered her or said anything about that, he actually fell her because she is manager.
If you mean by "control" how he went to her store here, then chill, agh, it's not that serious, it's because he knows her, she can't really push guys away, but he trusts her (he knows she's naive, etc) but he DOESN'T TRUST THE GUYS, he just went to avoid another "creepy stalker Hakamada" and he was RIGHT, the guys really went to her/the store. (After her smile)
He might say stuff like here but he never really did them/never force anything on her. Naruse isn't a possessive and unhealthy boyfriend, I hate so much how you some girls think so and make yourself really believe it, thinking you're mature like that, and we who like him are teens, agh, we're not, I'm an adult with my work, and Naruse is such an amazing guy and boyfriend.